Book rant: All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

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Theodore Finch spends his days thinking up ways to die.  He reads about successful suicides and memorizes statistics.  He has memorized famous suicide notes.  He knows poems about suicide by heart. He is a walking fountain of knowledge when it comes to death.  Nobody knows exactly what’s going on in Finch’s head, but everybody knows he’s a freak.

Violet Markey’s older sister Eleanor recently died in a car accident, leaving Violet herself unsure why she’s still here.  As she’s contemplating her life on the school’s bell tower, Finch talks her down.  The two strike up a wary friendship, quickly followed by an intense romance. But as their feelings for each other deepen and Violet begins to come out of her self-imposed exile, Finch starts to disappear.

Please note that there are a whole lot of spoilers below.

I am not going to rate this book.  On one hand, it’s beautifully written.  I never wanted to put it down.  On the other hand, I’m mad.  Furious, actually.  I don’t agree with the choices that Nivens made, not only for the plot but also for the characters and the overall message of the book.  I will go into this point in depth later in my review, but, in short, I feel like this book was emotionally manipulative and irresponsible.

At times, All The Bright Places feels like a rip-off of The Fault In Our Stars.  There are the obvious comparisons, of course.  Both books are about teenagers that fall quickly and deeply in love.  Both books have a sense of impending death hanging over the story.  Both books seem to be written with the sole purpose of making the reader cry.  There are other similarities, too, though, like the girls with color names and the boys with old-fashioned names.  The travel.  Even the characters’ interests and the way they talk to each other are similar to TFiOS.  But this wasn’t my biggest problem with the book.

It’s fine to make me care so much about a fictional teenage boy that I want to adopt him and give him everything he never got from his parents.  Those are some of the best characters.  But then to kill him off for seemingly no reason other than to make your main character and your readers cry?  That’s too much.  What, in all seriousness, was the reason for killing off Finch?  I was horrified.  His death hit me so hard that I felt like I was suffocating.  Tears were streaming down my face.  Good job, Nivens.  You won.  But why?

Do I think that it’s important to write about mental illness? Yes. Do I think that it’s important to write about suicide? Yes. But this book makes mental illness seem like a cute quirk.  (Hey, Finch is suicidal. Isn’t he so sexy and mysterious?) The mental illness in this book exists as a plot device. Theodore Finch is a cute, smooth-talking mental illness. He is not much else. The entirety of Violet’s character development is based on her reactions to Finch and his problems. Finch’s mental illness is glamorized and romanticized, and his death comes across as inevitable given how “different” and “misunderstood” he was.

Back to the thing I said earlier about how this book is irresponsible.  I don’t care about the author’s note at the end.  Most people aren’t going to read that anyway.  I don’t care about Finch’s note at the end that takes some of Nivens’ blame off of Violet.  The implication is that Finch killed himself because Violet tattled.  That because she went and told her parents that he was suicidal, he had no choice but to kill himself.  Does Nivens understand how dangerous that mentality is?  Kids with suicidal friends are going to read this book and think, “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t tell anyone because that will only make it worse.” Sure, people tell Violet it wasn’t her fault.  But that’s not what stuck with me, someone in her late twenties who, in her youth, did have suicidal friends.  What are impressionable teens going to think?

As for those friends of mine, I told.  It was hard.  They were mad at me. They were hospitalized.  And they are still alive a decade later, and we are still friends.  That is a better story.  But no.  Nivens has decided to place at least some of the blame for Finch’s death on Violet, and I cannot stand for that.

Everybody is going to get something different out of this book.  That’s obvious with any book out there.  I had serious problems with it but also loved it at the same time. I’m not going to rate it and I can’t recommend that you read it.  But if you do decide to pick it up, I would be curious to know what you think.

Final rating: Not rated.

19 thoughts on “Book rant: All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

  1. libby @ dimscreen says:

    This is a really important review, thank you so much for sharing. I haven’t read this book but your issues with it remind me of Thirteen Reasons Why. I think the way that the author and the entire production crew for the television show approached such a serious topic was completely–to use your wording–irresponsible. The amount of blame that is put onto other characters, the romanticizing, and the over all unrealistic-ness of the story and character motivations was unacceptable and really harmful. I can’t believe that it has grown to be as popular as it is now. It honestly makes me feel sick that this kind of thing is what is at the forefront of the media’s conversation on mental illness. It’s atrocious.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      Thank you for saying that! I feel like every review I’ve ever seen for this book has been absolutely glowing but I just can’t put up with a book that does this.

      I read Thirteen Reasons Why a looong time ago and didn’t have a problem with it, but I think I’d feel really different if I read it now. I only got through a few episodes of the TV show before I stopped. We definitely need books (and TV shows) that deal with mental illness to have better messages than this.

      It breaks my heart to think of how many teens won’t help their suicidal friends for fear of making it worse, just because of books like this.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. writermeetslife says:

    I’ve heard mixed things about this book. Although it has a pretty cover, I shied away from it. Now, after reading what you had to say, I’m glad I did. That is irresponsible for a book to have that sort of message. There are SO many reasons why that is wrong, and the fact that it was published makes it worse.

    Thank you for giving your honest opinions! Another great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      I just reread this review and got mad all over again! I can’t believe that a book with a message like this was actually published and sold as many copies as it did. It really makes me scared for impressionable teenagers who might be reading it.

      And thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the review. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • writermeetslife says:

        Honestly, that’s the basis for my dislike of at least a portion of books geared towards YA and down. Yes, adults do read YA, but it is largely written towards teenagers. That some people don’t seem to understand that, baffles me. Also, the fact that writers are insistent on putting certain books that could easily be in New Adult into Young Adult, also skews how YA is seen. I love YA, but I think that there are certain books that should not be allowed in that category. Also, sensitivity readers, how did they not catch that with this book? Omg. (Sorry, that was word vomit, but it just all spilled out.) No prob! Thanks for writing it!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

        Please feel free to spill out words whenever in the comments!

        And that’s a really good point! I’ve read some YA that was really questionable and that I know would have shocked me if I’d read it when I was in the target demographic. I don’t necessarily want to keep teenagers from reading these more mature books, but I think it’s important to have the right kind of expectations when you pick something up. Books shouldn’t just be called YA because they have teenage characters.

        Also, yes, sensitivity readers! Beta readers! An editor! Anybody! How did everybody who read this book prior to publication let this message through? It would have been different had Violet not been blamed for Finch’s death, but she was and that’s all that I think about when I think about this book. It’s just so inappropriate and so, so harmful of a message. I hate to think of how many teenagers won’t try to help their suicidal friends because of the message in this book.


  3. rayasreads says:

    An eloquent review! I really hate it when books are engineered to manipulate emotions just for the sake of it. I personally find the themes of this book very disturbing and I find it worrying that so many people read and loved it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      Sometimes when I look at reviews, I wonder if I read a different book than everybody else. This is one of those times. So many people have adored this book. I can recognize that the writing is very good, but I just can’t get past the message.


  4. Paige @ BookishPaige_ says:

    i bought this because of the cover, but after that I read her other book Holding Up The Universe first and it dragged so it put me off from picking this one up, and honestly after reading your review I don’t think I ever will at all, thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sophia Ismaa says:

    I didn’t pick up on Finch tattling because Violet telling his parents, but I wasn’t surprised that he was going to commit suicide, I knew it within the first few pages. I have to disagree with the similarities to TFIOS, the dialogue was a bit too OMG I’m so smooth, whereas Finch and Violet felt a bit more natural, although I love Gus and Hazel and they’re a realistic couple.


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