Book tag: TBR

Thanks to PeruseProject for sharing this book tag! I was hopping around on Twitter and saw her video pop up and just had to do it… but not on video because I’m awkward enough as it is.

So, this is a pretty quick book tag about the books that just hang out on your TBR forever. I’m only including books I actually own in this. (Except for the one about books you’ve yet to read because they just came out.)

1. Talk about a book you’ve been unable to finish.

As a rule, I really don’t DNF a lot of books. That said, I tried for months to read Neil Gaiman’s American Gods and I don’t think I ever made it past the 100-page mark. Maybe even the 50-park mark. I really wanted to love it but just couldn’t get into it. Someday I’ll try again.

2. What book are you yet to read because you haven’t had the time?

A Court of Thorns and Roses, for sure. I have nothing against the book or its length, but I’m worried that once I start, I won’t be able to stop, and I do not have time to fall into an entire series rabbit hole right now.

3. What book are you yet to read because it’s a sequel?

So many, honestly. The first one that comes to mind is Pierce Brown’s Morning Star. Now, don’t get me wrong. I loooved Red Rising and Golden Son. I marathoned both. But it was ages ago and I cannot remember anything more than the bare bones of the plot.

Next up would be Before the Devil Breaks You by Libba Bray. Same reason. I read The Diviners back in 2013 and Lair of Dreams in 2015 and do you think I remember what happened? Aside from some general spookiness in 1920′s New York City, nope.

Then we have The Girl in the Spider’s Web by David Lagercrantz. Lagercrantz picked up Steig Larsson’s Millennium series after his untimely death, but by the time this book came out, it had already been five years since I read the last book and I could probably jump back in, but I’m going to have to spend some time convincing myself.

4. What book are you yet to read because it’s brand new?

I guess Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson? I just haven’t gotten to a bookstore to buy it yet.

5. What book are you yet to read because you’ve read another book by that author and haven’t enjoyed it?

I have two for this one.

First, Legal Affairs by Sawyer Bennett. It has really great reviews, but I didn’t love Lucas and I’m a little nervous to read it. Second, Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden-Mills, which also has pretty good reviews. I just didn’t love Dirty English when I read it a while back and I’m hesitant to try another one of her books.

6. What book are you yet to read because it’s humongous?

Definitely The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I have it, it’s taunting me from my TBR, I know everybody loves it, and it’s over a thousand pages so I just need to find some time that I can dedicate to reading it.

7. What book are you yet to read because you just haven’t been in the mood?

As Bright As Heaven by Susan Meissner. It was my choice for January’s Book of the Month and while it sounds good, I haven’t been feeling like historical fiction recently.

8. What book are you yet to read because it was a cover buy that turned out to have bad reviews?

The Mutual Admiration Society by Lesley Kagen. I didn’t actually buy it, but it was an impulse pick from Kindle First one month. It looked so cute but it’s barely holding a three-star average, so yikes.

9. What’s the most intimidating book on your TBR?

Probably the debuts! I always want to like the books that I read, but I feel extra pressure to enjoy it when it’s a debut author. I want to give these authors good reviews to start them off on the right foot, but I always worry that I’m not going to enjoy their books.

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