Tag: Unique Blogger Award (Take 3)

I was nominated by Ginny for the Unique Blogger Award! Thank you so much, Ginny, and please go check out her blog because honestly, her gifs are the best and she reviews so many great books. ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the two previous takes here and here!


  • Display the award!
  • Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  • Answer the questions they’ve written for you!
  • Nominate 8-13 bloggers and give them three questions in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity within our blogging family!

3 questions from Ginny:

It’s the zombie apocalypse and you are alone! If you could have ONE fictional character with you to help you survive, who would it be? Why?
My answer would have to be Mia Corvere from Jay Kristoff’s Nevernight Chronicle. If there’s any character who could keep me safe during the zombie apocalypse, it’s Mia. She probably wouldn’t even bat an eye as she mercilessly slaughtered every last one of them.

What book would you most like to have made into a movie/TV series? Why?
I think that Krista & Becca Ritchie’s Calloway Sisters series would make a really great tv show! A lot happens, it’s already sort of based around the characters filming a tv show, and I would just love to see all of the characters brought to life.

If you could change one thing about your favorite book, what would it be?
This means that I have to have a favorite book, which is so hard! I’ve loved sooo many books over the years that I don’t even know which one I’d choose! I think my favorite book of 2018 (so far) is Starry Eyes, so what would I change about that? Nothing, since it’s perfect?? But really… I might have Zorie not keep her dad’s secret for so long. That’s all I’ve got. I loved that book.

My questions:

  1. What’s the last book you recommended to someone?
  2. What was your favorite book when you were a kid?
  3. What’s a book you have an unpopular opinion about?

I’ve tagged a million and one people recently, so there’s no way I’m going to be able to come up with 8-13 names! I’ll put my three nominees below, but absolutely no pressure! Feel free to ignore me!

Kaleena | Brianna | Jess

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