Graphic novel review: Fence #1-5 by C.S. Pacat

Fence #1-5 by C.S. Pacat
Links: Amazon • TBD • Goodreads
Publication Date: November 1, 2017 – April 18, 2018
Source: Borrowed
Sixteen-year-old Nicholas Cox is an outsider to the competitive fencing world. Filled with raw talent but lacking proper training, he signs up for a competition that puts him head-to-head with fencing prodigy Seiji Katayama…and on the road to the elite all-boys school Kings Row. A chance at a real team and a place to belong awaits him—if he can make the cut!

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been kind of wrapped up in the Throne of Glass universe recently. I’ve been reading the books back-to-back and while I’ve been enjoying it, I was having a particularly bad night on Friday and I just couldn’t focus on what was happening in Aelin’s life. I needed something lighter, something that I could kind of mindlessly flip through, and it turned out that Fence was just that thing.

I don’t read a lot of graphic novels, but I’d seen this series popping up on Goodreads, Twitter, and WordPress, and it looked interesting. I can’t say that I’d really given much thought to fencing in the past, but I’m a sucker for underdogs and Nicholas is nothing if not a complete underdog.

He’s talented but poorly trained. He’s attending Kings Row on scholarship with a bunch of wealthy classmates. Despite his best efforts, he can’t get a win, and to make things even worse, he’s rooming with his biggest rival, Seiji.

Each issue is less than 30 pages, so I feel like I can’t really say that much about what happens without giving everything away. What I can say is that I like Nicholas, I like the art, and I read the first five issues in one sitting. While I don’t have the next five yet, I hope to read them soon.

Fence #1: ★★★★☆
Fence #2: ★★★★☆
Fence #3: ★★★☆☆
Fence #4: ★★★☆☆
Fence #5: ★★★★☆

Average: 3.6 stars

Have you read Fence? Do you like graphic novels?
Let’s talk in the comments!

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19 thoughts on “Graphic novel review: Fence #1-5 by C.S. Pacat

  1. jenchaos76 says:

    You almost have to change gears when reading graphic novels. They are like serials, short and incomplete. Yet they can be deep and meaningful at the same time. I am not a fan personally, but I can see the attraction.

    Liked by 1 person

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