Tag: Bookish Naughty or Nice

I’ve seen this bookish naughty or nice tag floating around a lot recently and was so happy to see that Stephen had tagged me!


  • Tag & link the person who tagged you
  • Tag and link me/this post
  • Tick/cross off the ones you’ve done
  • Tag another 10 people!

1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it  

First one and I’m already guilty. I have a couple ARCs from when I very first started blogging that I haven’t read and reviewed yet. These days, though, I make sure to review every ARC I get within a reasonable amount of time.

2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley ❌ 

Nope! My feedback ratio is currently 98% and it would be higher if I submitted some recent reviews. 

3. Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did) 

I’m better about this now, but I used to be very bad about promising full reviews and never posting them.

4. Folded down the page of a book ❌ 


5. Accidentally spilled on a book ❌ 

I have never spilled on a book, but I have accidentally dropped a book in the bath.

6. DNF a book this year 

I rarely DNF, but I have DNFed two books this year.

7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it ❌

I have bought books purely because they’re pretty, but I always intend to read them eventually.

8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework) ✅

Yes, absolutely. I read while I should be doing many other things.

9. Skim read a book 

I’m definitely guilty of skimming if I’m not really into a book! (Or if I’m slogging through a boring section.)

10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal ❌

Nope! I like to set my Goodreads goal as something I can really easily achieve, otherwise I get stressed out that I’m not reading enough.

11. Borrowed a book and not returned it ❌

I assume we’re talking about the library here since there’s a question a little later about borrowing from friends. I have never not returned a book to the library, although one time in middle school I did forget that I had a book checked out for several months. (I eventually returned it, though.)

12. Broke a book buying ban ✅

Yes, all the time. I have no self-control when it comes to books.

13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about 

I had this problem a lot a couple years ago when I would procrastinate on writing reviews until weeks after finishing the book. Now I try to write the review immediately so that this doesn’t happen.

14. Wrote in a book you were reading 

I have never written in the actual book, but I do often write on sticky notes.

15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads

Nope, every book I read goes on my Goodreads.

16. Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend ✅

A friend? No. My uncle? Yes. (Sorry.)

17. Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book ❌

No, I have no problem with lending my books.

18. Broke the spine of someone else’s book ❌


19. Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged ✅

Unfortunately, yes.

20. Sat on a book accidentally ✅



It seems like a lot of people have already done this one, but if you haven’t, please consider yourself tagged and link back to me so I can see your answers!

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