Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 12)

I was nominated by Roo, Eline, Rachael, and Rae for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you all so much! ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes of this award here:
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 91011

Rules of the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

11 questions from Roo:

What is your favourite book of the year so far?

This is the hardest question, but I think I have to go with Bloom!

What is your most anticipated book of this year?

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff!!!! I cannot wait!!!!

Have you found a TV/movie adaption of a book you have really enjoyed? If not, are there any you are looking forward to?

I really enjoyed the adaptation of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. I also really liked Love, Simon!

Where is your favourite bookshop? And what is it called?

I recently went to A Room of One’s Own in Madison, WI and really liked it. I hadn’t been there since college since now I live in New Jersey, but it was 10,000 times better than I remembered.

Would any of the characters in the book you are currently reading win The Hunger Games?

I just finished Through the Woods by Emily Carroll and I think that yes, many of the characters could win.

Do you have multiple copies of a book? If not, are there any editions you currently have your eye on?

I don’t think that there are any books I have multiple copies of. I’m trying to be pretty good about either donating or selling any books that I don’t need to keep.

What is your favourite season?

I love spring!

What is one of your dream vacation spots?

I’d love to go to Spain or Portugal! I majored in Spanish in college and took a semester of intensive Portuguese for fun.

Describe your perfect Sunday

I love my Sundays recently! I stay home and do laundry while my boyfriend goes out and does the grocery shopping. After he gets back, we go out for lunch and hang out downtown for a bit and then go to the library. It’s such a fun and relaxing way to spend a day. 🙂

Are you an aspiring writer? Have you currently got a WIP? Or any ideas for one?

I am not! I’m happy reading stories and not creating them. 🙂

What it your most treasured possession?

Excluding my cat (who isn’t really a possession), probably a necklace my boyfriend gave me for my birthday. ❤

11 questions from Eline:

A place you would want to travel to next

I think the next place I’m going is Hershey, Pennsylvania!

Which authors are on your auto-buy list?

  • Becky Albertalli
  • Jenn Bennett
  • V.E. Schwab
  • probably others that I can’t think of right now!

What could a synopsis include that would immediately make you want to read a book?


A stunning book cover

I love Emma Mills’ book covers! I haven’t read this one yet. 🙂

At what point do you DNF books? Is it a certain percentage through it?

Well, first of all, I rarely DNF anything. But if I do, I try to get up to page 100 before giving up. That doesn’t always happen though, because sometimes I just can’t handle the book.

Would you prefer to live in a big or small city?

Definitely a big city. I would love to move to NYC!

Favourite mythological creature?


One of your goals for 2019

Survive my job…

How many languages do you know and what would you like to learn next?

Other than English, I can understand most written and spoken Spanish (I’m not as great at speaking it myself) and I could probably get by with Portuguese. I’m not really sure which language I’d like to learn next. I always thought that Icelandic would be fun, but it’s not a language that I’d use on a daily basis.

A book quote you like

“You can be with the same person for a long time and have it be fine and meet someone else who instantly makes you see that it’s broken,” she said.


Recommend me some book blogs you follow!

11 questions from Rachael:

What’s your favorite lesser known book or series and why?

I hardly ever see people talking about Starry Eyes, even though it’s one of my favorite books that I’ve ever read!

Describe the best food you’ve ever read about in a book.

I don’t tend to really remember the food I read about, but I do remember the Korean-Brazilian fusion food truck from The Way You Make Me Feel! I would love to eat some of that.

Would you rather be a character in a whimsical magical tale or an epic space opera?

I’d take whimsy and magic over battles any day.

If you could change something about your favorite book, what would you change?

I pretty much have undying love for Starry Eyes, but I suppose I could get rid of the miscommunication in it? That’s one of my biggest pet peeves. It didn’t bother me too much in that book, though, since it seemed really natural.

Why did you start blogging?

Because I moved to New Jersey and didn’t know anybody here! I needed someone to talk to about books!

What is your most controversial bookish opinion?

I did a Top Ten Tuesday post about this not too long ago, but my most controversial opinion is probably that I can’t support Cassandra Clare.

Personal library or public library?

Both! I own a ton of books, but I also make weekly trips to my public library.

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Probably the fact that I’m very calm in a crisis and can pretty much get anything done that needs to be done.

What book character would you name a pet after? (and what kind of animal is the pet?)

Honestly, I don’t think that I would name a pet after any characters! I’ll save the literary names for my future children. 🙂

Where would you go if you could go anywhere within driving distance (like 5 hours max) right now?

Right now, I’m very tired and don’t really want to go anywhere… but in general? Probably New York City. I could really go for some ice cream at Ample Hills.

Who is your book boyfriend (or girlfriend)?

Joshua Templeman from The Hating Game, I guess. I already have the perfect boyfriend. Fictional characters can’t even compare.

11 questions from Rae:

What’s your favorite genre?

Right now I’m very much into graphic novels. They don’t take a ton of brainpower or effort to read and that’s perfect after a long, stressful day.

Where do you like to read?

Mostly I read on my couch or on my bed.

What do you do when you’re not reading?

I like to spend time with my boyfriend, go to New York, cook and bake, and obsessively plan out every detail of my life.

Who is your favorite author?

Jenn Bennett!

When is your favorite time to read?

Right before bed. It’s a really easy way for me to calm down and get relaxed enough to sleep.

How do you choose what books to read next?

I try to read ARCs first, but after that, it’s really whatever I feel like. Sometimes I’ll choose a book based on a reading challenge prompt, but I’m finding that I read more when I don’t set a strict plan for myself.

What do you look for in a book?

I don’t think that I really ask for a lot in books. I want it to be well-written with believable characters who do things that make sense for the situation. I always love a good friends-to-lovers storyline and I’m a sucker for anything with a lot of pining, but I don’t think I’m really that picky.

How do you feel about book to movie adaptations?

I don’t usually watch them, but that’s mostly because I don’t usually watch most things. I have so much time to read because I don’t really watch TV or go to many movies.

Do you prefer a stand-alone or a series?

I really prefer standalones. I have no opposition to series, really, but I don’t always have the time or energy to dedicate to reading a really long series.

Have you ever joined a book club?

I have not!

What are your tips to other bloggers?

My biggest tip is to make sure you’re posting the kind of content that makes you happy! Don’t force yourself to write a ton of reviews if you don’t want to and don’t feel obligated to come up with discussion topic after discussion topic if that’s not something you’re comfortable with. Your blog is yours and it’s there to make you happy. If it’s stressing you out, then something has to change. ❤

If you want to answer these questions, please feel free! I’d love to see your responses. ❤ What’s your dream vacation spot? Do you prefer to buy or borrow books? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

28 thoughts on “Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 12)

  1. Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts says:

    CONGRATS! I can’t wait to read “Bloom”. I’ve been eyeing it for a while now. I’m one of the few who didn’t care for the film adaptation of “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”, but i REALLY enjoyed “Love, Simon”.

    You and your boyfriend sound adorable in this post! I love how your perfect Sunday and favourite item both involve him 🙂

    I read my first Jenn Bennett book this year and plan to read more. Starry Eyes and that Moonlight one are high on my TBR list.

    Wow … So, I went to your post and checked out some links on Clare … I didn’t know 90% of that. I would like to research more, since I’m trying to be more aware as a reader and want to see all sides … but wow. I’m also not really a fan of the “possibly brother and sister but still love each other element”. I read the trilogy back in high school and DID enjoy it, but that part really bothered me. Once she released more, I tried to read the other books … but couldn’t get into them. So I just pretend it was a trilogy lol.

    Great answers and post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      Thank you! I hope you end up loving Bloom as much as I did. I hope you also love all the Jenn Bennett books! As for the Clare thing, I also prefer to pretend that TMI was a trilogy. I was so disappointed by the later books in that series, setting aside all of the other stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. thebookprescription says:

    Ahhh Thanks for recommending me! Bloom was that good?! WOW
    Also I think you should try your luck at Edelweiss again. You have great numbers and they better approve you! I was auto-approved for all Macmillan titles including Darkdawn!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nish and Ngoc says:

    YESSSSS I loved the TATBILB & Simon vs the Homo Sapiens adaptations, they really did the books justice!! 😍 I’m so glad you mentioned Jenn Bennett – she’s one of my autobuy authors too, I just love EVERYTHING she’s written!

    Also you’re so good to only own one copy of each book, I’m so guilty of having multiple copies bc I get sucked into buying special editions of my fave books 😂

    – Ngoc

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Educated Negra says:

    I love your answers, thanks for doing this tag yet again 🙂 My dream vacation is anything involving new and exciting experiences, I love traveling. I prefer places that are super aesthetically pleasing so I can take lots of pictures. It’s much easier for me to borrow books, there’s a library down the street from me

    Liked by 1 person

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