Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite bookmarks

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s theme is favorite bookmarks… which is honestly not my favorite topic. I’m not sure where all my bookmarks ended up in my move, so here are ten things that I like to use as bookmarks when I don’t have an actual bookmark available.

  1. the dust cover
  2. receipts
  3. appointment cards
  4. envelopes
  5. post-it notes
  6. business cards
  7. a pen or pencil
  8. junk mail
  9. scrap paper
  10. and when all else fails, I save my page number on the Goodreads app

Did you do your own Top Ten Tuesday post today? Feel free to leave your link in the comments and I’ll check it out! What do you like to use for a bookmark? Let’s talk in the comments!

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11 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite bookmarks

  1. Charlotte says:

    I have a couple of bookmarks that I use atm but I do occasionally drop them and need something else to use quickly whilst I look for them and end up using my phone 🙈 it’s generally the first thing that I see in those occasions.

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