Book review: New Erotica for Feminists by Caitlin Kunkel

New Erotica for Feminists by Caitlin Kunkel
Rating: ★★★★☆
Links: Amazon • TBD • Goodreads
Publication Date: November 13, 2018
Source: Borrowed

He calls me into his office and closes the door . . . to promote me. He promotes me again and again. I am wild with ecstasy.
Imagine a world where erotica was written by feminists: Their daydreams include equal pay, a gender-balanced Congress, and Tom Hardy arriving at their doorstep to deliver a fresh case of LaCroix every week.

Both light-hearted and empowering, New Erotica for Feminists is a sly, satirical take on all the things that turn feminists on. From a retelling of Adam and Eve to tales of respectful Tinder dates, New Erotica for Feminists answers the question of “What do women really want?” with stories of power, equality, and an immortal Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 

I don’t even remember where I first saw New Erotica for Feminists, but I’m like 99% sure it was on someone’s blog. If you’re that person, thank you so much for talking about this book! I put a hold on it at my library right after reading that review and read it the same night that it came in. I don’t think it took me more than an hour or so to get through this book, and I’m so glad that I read it.

First things first, this is not actually erotica. It’s a collection of short stories (mostly a page or so long) about everyday scenarios featuring politics, pop culture, parenting, the workplace, and so on. Sure, some of them are a little sexy, but the majority are along the lines of “imagine if your boss let you take maternity leave and didn’t make a thing of it” or “imagine if a fireman ran into your burning house to rescue a signed edition of your favorite book.”

This was just such a fun way to spend an evening! I wouldn’t say my world was shattered by its amazingness or anything, but I really enjoyed it and I’d happily read something else from these authors.

Have you read New Erotica for Feminists?
Have you read any short story collections like this one?
Let’s talk in the comments!

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