Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite couples

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so of course today’s theme is favorite couples. I ship everybody and everything, so here we go.

Penny + Sam from Emergency Contact

You could maybe say that I have a soft spot for couples who fall in love via text messages. Penny and Sam were the cutest and I loved them so much.

Zorie + Lennon from Starry Eyes

Is it really my Top Ten Tuesday post if it doesn’t have at least one Jenn Bennett book on it? Another thing I have a soft spot for is the very specific trope of friends-to-enemies-to-lovers.

Arthur + Ben from What If It’s Us

Arthur is a ball of sunshine and Ben is snarky and I love it when characters balance each other out like that. They were perfect together.

Lucy + Joshua from The Hating Game

Just as it’s not a real Top Ten Tuesday post of mine without Jenn Bennett, it’s also not a Top Ten Tuesday post of mine without The Hating Game. Lucy and Joshua are the best, okay? The best.

Daisy + Lucas from Anything You Can Do

Anything You Can Do is the first book I ever read by R.S. Grey. This is still one of the best enemies-to-lovers romances I’ve ever read. Daisy and Lucas were so perfect for each other. ❤

Bailey + Porter from Alex, Approximately

So we’ve established that I have a soft spot for texting and enemies-to-friends-to-lovers. I also have a soft spot for online friends who fall in love IRL. ❤

Simon + Blue from Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Is there anyone alive who doesn’t ship Simon and Blue? I mean, seriously. They’re the cutest.

Ronan + Adam from The Raven Cycle

I’m not sure I’ve ever shipped any couple harder than Ronan and Adam. I love their relationship so much.

Cress + Thorne from Cress

Of all the Lunar Chronicles couples, Cress and Thorne are my favorite. I don’t even know what it is about them, but I love them so much.

Simon + Baz from Carry On

They were roommates! ROOMMATES! Another thing I have a soft spot for. Their relationship was perfect and I can’t wait for Wayward Son.

Did you do your own Top Ten Tuesday post today? Feel free to leave your link in the comments and I’ll check it out! Who are your favorite literary couples? Let’s talk in the comments!

Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming releases I’m on the fence about

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s theme is upcoming releases I’m on the fence about. This is a hard topic because if books don’t really interest me, I’m probably not going to read them. That said, I did finally come up with ten books that more or less fit this prompt!

The Last Hope by Krista & Becca Ritchie

I enjoyed The Raging Ones when I read it last year, but I definitely did not enjoy Krista & Becca’s latest new adult release, Tangled Like Us. I’m a little apprehensive about reading anything of theirs now, but I’ll probably give this a shot anyway.

Kingsbane by Claire Legrand

If I’m being 100% honest, I’m probably not going to read this book. I didn’t love Furyborn and I doubt that the problems I had with it would be resolved in its sequel. Every time I see the cover, though, I’m tempted.

Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith

I’m never really sure whether I want to read Jennifer E. Smith’s books, honestly. I never have a problem with them, but I also don’t love them. This one looks so cute, though!

There’s Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon

I didn’t love When Dimple Met Rishi, but There’s Something About Sweetie looks and sounds so cute!

Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

To be fair, I’m not even sure why I’m on the fence about Meet Cute. I enjoyed the last Helena Hunting book that I read. This sounds embarrassingly adorable. There’s just something stopping me from wanting to read it!

This Is Not a Love Scene by S.C. Megale

I think the title and cover of this one just remind me too much of Love Scene, Take Two, which was one of my favorites of 2018.

Please Send Help by Gaby Dunn & Allison Raskin

I didn’t love I Hate Everyone But You, but something about this book is calling my name. I might give it a try, but probably from the library.

The Mermaid’s Voice Returns in This One by Amanda Lovelace

So, I liked The Princess and I hated The Witch. I’m not sure which way I’ll go with The Mermaid, but I’ll probably read it eventually. Maybe once I see some more reviews come in.

All We Could Have Been by T.E. Carter

This book intrigues me, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a super-heavy read (like I Stop Somewhere) and I’m not sure that I’m ready for that.

This Book Is Not Yet Rated by Peter Bognanni

This sounds like the kind of quirky book I’d enjoy, but, again, something is stopping me from fully committing to it.

Did you do your own Top Ten Tuesday post today? Feel free to leave your link in the comments and I’ll check it out! What do you think about these books? Have you read ARCs of any of them? Let’s talk in the comments!