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Ricochet picks up right where Addicted to You left off: Loren has just left for rehab, and Lily isn’t too sure what she’s going to do with herself while he’s gone. She decides to focus on her own recovery, as well as repairing some of the relationships with her family that she’s destroyed over the years.

First things first: I don’t read a lot of novellas. The whole thing kind of baffles me, because I don’t really see the point. If you want something to be included in the series, put it in the book. I’ll pay an extra dollar or two for each book to be 100 or 200 pages longer, but I struggle to justify paying $1.99 or more for what can basically be considered deleted scenes or afterthoughts. Usually I just skip book “1.5” and move on to book 2. But, in this case, reading Ricochet was “highly recommended,” so I felt like I had to read it or I’d be missing out on something huge.

Did anything huge happen? No, not really. I probably would have been fine if I’d skipped it, but I did get some entertainment out of it, so I won’t complain too much.

Here’s what I liked:

For one, I really liked that we got to know Daisy better, and I think I’m going to like her in the spinoff books. I also enjoyed getting to know Ryke, and I especially enjoyed his interactions with the teenage girls. Pretty much nothing phases that guy. And speaking of Lily, I was so proud of her by the end of the book. I just hope that her new resolve lasts.

And now for what I didn’t like:

In terms of plot, Ricochet moves a lot slower than Addicted to You. Maybe it’s because throughout the book, we’re just waiting for Lo to come back. Time is dragging for Lily, and it dragged for me too.

I didn’t understand why Lily made half the decisions she did. Daisy begs her to go to a party filled with alcohol and much older people and Lily just says yes? Lily’s addiction aside, I can’t believe that after complaining that people treat Daisy like an adult when she’s still a child, she would take her to a very adult party filled with fully grown men. I sincerely hope that Lily’s irresponsibility with both herself and others is dealt with in the upcoming books.

And what was with Ryke forbidding Lily and Lo from speaking? Why does he get to make that call? If Lo’s rehab facility and Lily’s therapist didn’t have a problem with them speaking, Ryke had no right to keep all of Lo’s contact details from Lily. My own relationship is nowhere near as co-dependent and dysfunctional as theirs, and I can’t even imagine not speaking to my boyfriend for a full month. Especially if some guy I just met was the one making and enforcing that rule. That whole plot just struck me as a little odd.

So, overall, I could take it or leave it. I don’t think it was necessary for plot development, but if you’ve grown attached to these characters, it wouldn’t hurt to pick it up.

Final rating: ★★★☆☆