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Ellie Palmer doesn’t get along with the police. Not only is she the queen of speeding tickets, but whenever she’s needed help from the police, she’s been let down. So she’s not too thrilled when Officer Brett Hale pulls her over to tell her she’s going 20 km/hr over the posted speed limit, and also that her license has been suspended. Now, not only does she have to take a remedial driving course, but she also has to find a new way to get around.

Thanks, Brett.

Ellie and Brett have been in the same circle of friends for years, so when her dangerous ex starts bothering her again, Brett is the natural choice to protect her. As they spend more time together and get to know each other, Ellie realizes that Brett isn’t as bad as he seemed. Ellie and Brett fall hard for each other – but being together is impossible, since it would jeopardize both his career and the case against Ellie’s ex.

Accidentally in Love is the second book I’ve read by Laura Drewry, and it didn’t disappoint. In fact, I think I liked it a little better than Prima Donna. In both of the books, Drewry creates such lifelike characters that I feel like I actually know them, like they could be my friends. And I think that’s my favorite part of her books. They feel real.

This was a really quick read that made me really happy. After the emotional rollercoaster of the last book I read, this was just what I needed. Accidentally in Love has cemented my status as a huge fan of Laura Drewry’s work, and I can’t wait to read whatever she writes next.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the invitation to read this ARC.

Final rating: ★★★★☆

For my 2015 reading challenge, I’m crossing off #13: a book set in a different country