Mini-Reviews: Bittersweet, Make Me Bad, and Rhythm, Chord & Malykhin

Bittersweet by Sarina Bowen
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Links: Amazon • TBD • Goodreads
Publication Date: October 1, 2019
Source: Borrowed

The new series is set in Vermont. True North is populated by the tough, outdoorsy mountain men that populate the Green Mountain State. They raise cows and they grow apples. They chop a lot of wood, especially when they need to blow off steam. (Beards are optional but encouraged.)

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the orchard.

The last person Griffin Shipley expects to find stuck in a ditch on his Vermont country road is his ex-hookup. Five years ago they’d shared a couple of steamy nights together. But that was a lifetime ago.

At twenty-seven, Griff is now the accidental patriarch of his family farm. Even his enormous shoulders feel the strain of supporting his mother, three siblings and a dotty grandfather. He doesn’t have time for the sorority girl who’s shown up expecting to buy his harvest at half price.

Vermont was never in Audrey Kidder’s travel plans. Neither was Griff Shipley. But she needs a second chance with the restaurant conglomerate employing her. Okay—a fifth chance. And no self-righteous lumbersexual farmer will stand in her way.

They’re adversaries. They want entirely different things from life. Too bad their sexual chemistry is as hot as Audrey’s top secret enchilada sauce, and then some.

I picked up Bittersweet purely because of my romanceopoly reading challenge, and since I expected to flat-out hate it, I ended up liking it a lot more than I’d expected. I’ve been meaning to read some of Sarina Bowen’s books for years, so I guess it’s a plus that I finally got the chance to.

Now, Bittersweet was fine. It started off well enough. I liked both Audrey and Griff. They definitely had chemistry and some good banter. I wanted to eat and drink everything that was mentioned in the book. The side characters were pretty likable as well. But then the book turned into a bunch of sex scenes in a row and kind of lost the plot and that’s one of my least favorite things to have happen in a romance novel.

Overall, this wasn’t a bad book, but it wasn’t necessarily what I was expecting, either.

#romanceopoly: uptown

Make Me Bad by R.S. Grey
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Links: Amazon • TBD • Goodreads
Publication Date: March 7, 2019
Source: Purchased

I was issued a warning: stay away from Ben Rosenberg.

As Clifton Cove’s resident “king”, he thinks he’s entitled to anyone and anything.

The trouble is, I’ve spent my whole life following the rules and playing it safe. I know what it feels like to be the good girl. I’m the police chief’s daughter and a librarian—for adorable children, no less.

An all-nighter with a fictional hunk is about as exciting as my life gets until one day, fate decides to take pity on me and shove me straight into the path of Mr. Off-Limits himself.

Just as I suspected, every inch of him promises to be my demise. Up close, he’s tall, menacing—a lawyer who looks like he’ll bite. A well-behaved girl would do as she’s told and avoid him at all costs, but I’m overdue for a little rebellion.

So, I ignore the warning and throw caution to the wind. But Ben doesn’t just nudge me out of my comfort zone—he thrusts me into a dark corner and presses his hard body against mine, covering my mouth with his hand to ensure we don’t get caught sneaking around. In that moment, I finally understand why everyone thinks he’s going to ruin me.

To him, this is all a game.
He wants to tempt me with his dares and taunt me with his words.
I should play along. After all, I asked him to make me bad. I just never thought he’d take his job quite so seriously…

I love R.S. Grey’s books and, as expected, I loved the beginning of this one. I read the first half on a plane and had to try very hard to keep myself from laughing out loud at some of the things Madison said and did. Ben was just the right amount of “bad,” not so much that it was over the top, but just enough to keep things interesting. Madison and Ben had great chemistry, so I’m not really sure why I didn’t end up loving this book.

Maybe it’s because the whole “make me bad” thing disappears and then there’s just some drama that’s honestly pretty unbelievable. I’m not sure how to say this without spoilers, but as someone who’d been living on her own for seven years by the time I was 25 years old, I just didn’t understand how Madison still let her father control her life like that.

I ended up being a little disappointed with this one, but it was still really easy to read. I might not have loved this one, but I’m still excited to read whatever Rachel writes next.

#romanceopoly: bad boy circus

Rhythm, Chord & Malykhin by Mariana Zapata
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Links: Amazon • TBD • Goodreads
Publication Date: August 21, 2015
Source: Borrowed

Twenty-six-year-old Gaby Barreto might be a lot of things (loyal, sarcastic, one of the guys and a pain in the butt depending on which family member you ask), but dumb isn’t one of them. When her twin brother invites her to go on tour as his band’s merch girl, she isn’t exactly screaming at the top of her lungs with joy.

With no job opportunities pounding on her door, an ex-boyfriend she would still like to castrate, and no end in sight to moving out of her parents’ house in Dallas… it would be dumb to say no to the chance of a lifetime. Two bands, three continents, one tour. Spending the next ninety-plus days with three beloved idiots and eight complete strangers shouldn’t be a big deal, right?

If only the singer of the headlining band didn’t have tattoos… a great personality… a fantastic body… and if he wasn’t so funny….

Let’s be real: Gaby never had a chance against Sacha Malykhin.

I’ve been meaning to read a Mariana Zapata book for a while, so when I had to read a rockstar romance and found this one available through Hoopla, I figured it was fate. I had zero expectations going into this and it turned out okay! It wasn’t the best book I’ve read all year, but I definitely didn’t hate it.

Sacha was a great hero. Above all else, he’s a great friend to Gaby and he always seemed to legitimately care about her. Gaby, on the other hand, frustrated me a little bit. It seemed like she’d put herself in these uncomfortable situations (like the hair thing??) for no reason, and she was also so frustratingly blind to Sacha’s feelings! I mean, I’m the kind of person that never believes someone likes them, but Gaby took it like fifteen steps further than me.

All in all, if you’re looking for a cute friends-to-lovers romance that is exceptionally slow burn (due mostly to Gaby being oblivious) then you might like this one.

#romanceopoly: downtown

Have you read any of these books? Have you read any good romances recently?
Let’s talk in the comments!

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Book review: Hotshot Doc by R.S. Grey

Hotshot Doc by R.S. Grey
Rating: ★★★★☆
Links: Amazon • Goodreads
Publication Date: December 6, 2018
Source: Purchased

Dr. Russell has a bad reputation around our hospital. The scrub techs say he’s cold-blooded, the nurses say he’s too cocky for his own good, and the residents say he’s the best surgeon in the world—really, just a swell guy!—on the off chance he’s within earshot.

I try to avoid him and his temper at all costs. It’s just as easy to admire his sexy, grip-it-while-he’s ravishing-you hair and chiseled jaw from a healthy distance, preferably from the other end of the hallway half-hidden behind a plant.

Unfortunately, my plan crumbles when my trusty ol’ boss decides to swap his white coat for a Hawaiian shirt. His retirement leaves me with two terrible options: switch specialties and spend months retraining, or take an open position as Dr. Russell’s surgical assistant.

That means I have to stand near him in the OR for hours on end and anticipate his every need without letting his biting words and bad attitude intimidate me. Oh, and as if that’s not difficult enough, my silly crush on him—the one I’ve tried to stomp on until it disappears—might just be reciprocated.

It’s fine.
I’m fine.

I take my job seriously. There will be no smoldering bedroom eyes across the operating table, no angry almost-kisses in the storage closet. (Well, no more of those.)

What’s the phrase? An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Maybe I should go for a whole damn bushel.

It’s really no secret that R.S. Grey is one of my all-time favorite authors. This is the tenth book of hers that I’ve read (and the fourth that she’s published just this year!) and I’m not really sure how she always writes books that are so good, but she does. I’ve come to expect greatness from her, and she usually delivers. Hotshot Doc was no exception.

I’ve been in a little bit of a reading slump lately and I’ve been finding it pretty difficult to focus on a book. This book, though? I read it in two sittings. I probably could have finished it in one if I hadn’t had a Christmas party to attend.

This book checked a lot of my boxes. It’s a romantic comedy. It’s a workplace romance. It features one of my favorite tropes, enemies-to-lovers. The heroine is independent and strong and feisty. The hero is a little broody but secretly a great guy. But there were also some things that I didn’t love.

First, I was missing a lot of the sexual tension that I’ve come to expect from R.S. Grey’s enemies-to-lovers romances. I definitely felt the tension at the beginning as Bailey and Matt argued, but it seemed like they went straight from disliking each other to being cute and cuddling on the couch and I missed the buildup to that.

I also felt like this wasn’t as romantic or as funny as her romantic comedies usually are. And that’s fine, but when I read an R.S. Grey book, I expect to have at least a couple moments where I laugh so hard that I have to put the book down for a minute and at least a couple of scenes where I have to fan myself and thank the heavens that I’m alone. While there were some chuckles and some fairly sexy scenes in this book, they weren’t at the level that I’ve seen in her other books.

And finally, the ending. No spoilers, but I felt like things moved so quickly at the end of this book. I don’t even know how to explain this without spoiling the ending, but the heroine made some probably unrealistic decisions that seemed a little out of character.

Still, despite the negatives, this was a really great book! R.S. Grey is a great romance author and I’ve never disliked anything of hers that I’ve read. I would highly recommend this if you’re in the mood for a cute romance with a sassy heroine and minimal angst.

#mm18: old or new

Previously: The Allure of Dean Harper • The Allure of Julian Lefray • Anything You Can Do • Arrogant Devil • The Beau & The Belle • The Fortunate Ones • The Foxe & The Hound • Not So Nice Guy • Scoring Wilder

Have you read Hotshot Doc? Do you like the enemies-to-lovers trope?
Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

ARC review: Not So Nice Guy by R.S. Grey

Not So Nice Guy by R.S. Grey
Rating: ★★★★★
Links: Amazon • Goodreads
Publication Date: August 9, 2018
Source: ARC from the author, via Inkslinger PR

“Oh my god. Who that?”
I get asked this question a lot.
“Oh him?” I reply. “That’s just Ian.”

Just Ian is the biggest understatement of the century.
Just the Mona Lisa. Just the Taj Mahal. Just Ian, with his boring ol’ washboard abs and dime-a-dozen dimpled smile.

Just Ian is… just my best friend.

We’re extremely close, stuck so deep inside a Jim-and-Pam-style friendzone everyone at works assumes we’re a couple – that is until one day, word spreads through the teacher’s lounge that he’s single. Fair game. Suddenly, it’s open season on Ian.

He should be reveling in all the newfound attention, but to our mutual surprise, the only attention he seems to want is mine.

He’s turning our formerly innocent nightly chats into x-rated phone calls. Our playful banter sports a new, dangerous edge.

I want to assume he’s playing a prank on me, just pushing my buttons like always – but when Ian lifts me onto the desk in my classroom and slides his hands up my skirt, he doesn’t leave a lot of room for confusion.

I’m a little scared of things going south, of losing my best friend because I can’t keep my hands to myself. So, I’m just going to back away and not return this earth-shattering kiss – oh who am I kidding?!

Goodbye Ian, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal!

Helloooo mister not so nice guy.

If you’ve been following my blog or my reviews for any length of time that’s longer than like a week, you probably know two things about me:

  1. I’m obsessed with anything R.S. Grey writes, and
  2. Friends-to-lovers is one of my favorite tropes.

Well, R.S. Grey just wrote a friends-to-lovers romantic comedy and I could die right now and be happy. My first note on this book was made when I read the synopsis and it was “Oh shit, this book might actually kill me.” So… I’m only like half-dead, but it was really good.

Can I just say that I’m struggling to describe everything I liked about this book without any spoilers? I read the first half of the book before work and let me tell you, there is a thing that happens that left me almost incapable of going to work. I almost actually called out, but in the end, I pulled myself together like the grown adult I am because I’m saving my vacation days for actual vacations and not just overreactions to fiction.

After that certain particular thing that happens, it becomes slow burn and wow, it’s like R.S. Grey just reads my mind and writes the exact thing that will drive me the craziest but that I’ll also love. It’s really a talent. I don’t know of any other author that can do that.

My only criticism of this book comes down to a choice that Ian and Sam make toward the end, but it’s really just a personal preference and most people probably won’t think of it as such a big deal. I wish this wasn’t an ARC review so I could actually explain myself and not just make vague statements.

I guess all I can say is please read this book. (And, of course, infinite thanks to both the author and Inkslinger PR for this ARC.)

About R.S. Grey

R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of thirteen novels, including THE FOXE & THE HOUND. She lives in Texas with her husband and two dogs, and can be found reading, binge-watching reality TV, or practicing yoga! Visit her at

Website | Twitter | Facebook | R.S. Grey’s Little Reds Facebook Group | Newsletter | Instagram



PreviouslyThe Allure of Dean Harper • The Allure of Julian Lefray • Anything You Can Do • Arrogant Devil • The Beau & The Belle • The Fortunate Ones • The Foxe & The Hound • Scoring Wilder

Have you read Not So Nice Guy? Do you love R.S. Grey as much as I do?
Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

Cover reveal: Not So Nice Guy by R.S. Grey

R.S. Grey’s next romantic comedy, NOT SO NICE GUY, releases August 9th! Check out the cover and find out more about NOT SO NICE GUY below!

About NOT SO NICE GUY (available August 9th)

“Oh my god. Who is that?”

I get asked this question a lot.

“Oh him?” I reply. “That’s just Ian.”

Just Ian is the biggest understatement of the century. Just the Mona Lisa. Just the Taj Mahal. Just Ian, with his boring ol’ washboard abs and dime-a-dozen dimpled smile.

Just Ian is…just my best friend.

We’re extremely close, stuck so deep inside a Jim-and-Pam-style friendzone everyone at work assumes we’re a couple—that is until one day, word spreads through the teacher’s lounge that he’s single. Fair game. Suddenly, it’s open season on Ian.

He should be reveling in all the newfound attention, but to our mutual surprise, the only attention he seems to want is mine.

He’s turning our formerly innocent nightly chats into X-rated phone calls. Our playful banter sports a new, dangerous edge.

I want to assume he’s playing a prank on me, just pushing my buttons like always—but when Ian lifts me onto the desk in my classroom and slides his hands up my skirt, he doesn’t leave a lot of room for confusion.

I’m a little scared of things going south, of losing my best friend because I can’t keep my hands to myself. So, I’m just going to back away and not return this earth-shattering kiss—oh who am I kidding?!

Goodbye Ian, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal!

Helloooo mister not so nice guy.

Add NOT SO NICE GUY to your Goodreads list here!

NOT SO NICE GUY releases August 9th – you’ll be able to preorder your copy for .99c starting August 6th!

Keep an eye on R.S. Grey’s Facebook page for the link!

About R.S. Grey

R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of thirteen novels, including THE FOXE & THE HOUND. She lives in Texas with her husband and two dogs, and can be found reading, binge-watching reality TV, or practicing yoga! Visit her at

Website | Twitter | Facebook | R.S. Grey’s Little Reds Facebook Group | Newsletter | Instagram


ARC review: Arrogant Devil by R.S. Grey


Everyone in Cedar Creek, Texas, knows Jack McNight is an arrogant devil. Physically, I get it: he’s tan and fit, with coal-black hair that’s clearly been scorched by hellfire. Oh, and his personality? It burns just as hot.

When I show up on the doorstep of Blue Stone Ranch, I’m run-down and rockin’ my last pair of underwear. I’m hoping for a savior, but instead, I find him.

My opinion of Jack is marred by a dismal first impression, but his opinion of me is tainted even before I arrive. He’s heard I’m a spoiled princess there to take advantage of his goodwill. To him, I’m more trouble than I’m worth.

Our button-pushing banter should get under my skin. His arrogance should be a major turn-off. Problem is, devils are known to offer their own form of temptation.

Every one of his steely glares sends a shiver down my spine.

Every steamy encounter leaves me reeling.

Sure, it could be the Texas heat messing with my head, but there’s no way I’ll survive the summer without silencing him with a kiss and wrestling him out of those Wranglers.

Who knows…going to bed with the devil might just be the salvation I’ve been looking for all along.

R.S. Grey is one of my favorite romance authors, so I was thrilled to be able to participate in a review blitz for her latest book, Arrogant Devil. She writes such great characters and honestly, the tension in her writing just about kills me each time. I’ve been crossing my fingers for an ARC of one of her books for almost a year now. I can’t believe it finally happened!

I think at this point, I’d probably trust Rachel with my life. That means that she can give me a rude cowboy who’s always making snide comments at a woman who’s already married and I’ll still somehow go for it. That’s the power of her writing. Of course, one of the reasons this pairing works is that there’s so much more to both characters than what we first see. Both Meredith and Jack are fully developed people with their own issues and histories and flaws and desires. Neither of them claim to be perfect and both of them realize how unconventional the circumstances of their meeting are.

Much like Meredith, I had trouble hating Jack even when he was being an arrogant jerk, refusing to listen to her and making assumptions based on the wrong information. And, of course, since we begin in Meredith’s head, it’s easy to see her real character and how disappointed she is when she’s misjudged over and over again. I was rooting for her from the first page and just waiting for everyone else to catch up.

As usual, Rachel’s written a winner with Arrogant Cowboy. Both main characters are flawed yet lovable and the side characters, like Edith, Jack’s sassy grandmother, just kicked things up another notch. There are certainly some heavier sections in this book as Meredith recounts what made her marriage fall apart, but overall, this felt like a classic R.S. Grey romantic comedy. I was laughing out loud at so many of Meredith’s comments.

I had such a great time reading this book. Highly recommended for any fans of surly heroes, slow burns, and romantic comedies.

Final rating: ★★★★★

I received a free advance copy of Arrogant Devil from the author (via Inkslinger PR) in exchange for my honest review. Arrogant Devil is out today!

The Allure of Dean Harper
The Allure of Julian Lefray
Anything You Can Do
The Beau & The Belle
The Fortunate Ones
The Foxe & The Hound
Scoring Wilder