Today’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is “Ten Fairytale Retellings.”  I love fairytale retellings, and I’ve included five that I’ve read and five that I’d like to read.


  • Ella Enchanted is a book I loved in elementary school.  I couldn’t get enough of the heroine saving herself!
  • Cinder,
  • Scarlet, and
  • Cress are, of course, part of the Lunar Chronicles, one of my favorite series.  Talk about heroines saving themselves!  Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress are amazing.
  • Unenchanted is, strangely, the most popular book review I’ve ever written, despite the fact that it’s likely the shortest and laziest review I’ve done.  Even now, almost three years later, people are still arguing in the comments!

Want to Read:

  • Alice in Zombieland
  • Bitter Greens
  • A Court of Thorns and Roses
  • Splintered
  • Of Beast and Beauty

Did I miss any great retellings that should be on my radar?  Let me know!