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It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Renita Pizzitola’s books. I loved Just a Little Crush, the first book in the Crush series, which followed Brinley and Ryder. I equally loved Just a Little Flirt, the second book, which featured Brinley’s roommate, Fallon. And I have to admit, when Just a Little Kiss showed up on Netgalley, I may have squealed a bit (just a bit) with delight that it was all about Brinley’s best friend, Mason. I always liked Mason. And after reading this book, I like him so much more.

Mason’s always been a bit in love with Brinley. It’s no secret. But Brinley is with Ryder, and they’re happy. Mason doesn’t think he’ll ever get over her without some space, so he agrees to help out his uncle by doing manual labor – on a fishing boat, no less – all summer. Mason soon finds that the ocean doesn’t agree with him, but his cute new neighbor, Felicity, sure does. It doesn’t hurt that she gives him some of her family’s super-secret seasickness remedy, either. It’s not long before Mason is head-over-heels for Felicity, and while Felicity sure likes him, he’s not sure he’ll ever break through the walls she’s built around her heart.

Just a Little Kiss was a contender for my favorite book in the series until, near the end, Felicity and Mason had yet another unnecessary misunderstanding. You see, their relationship is really cute and really great until one of them does something that the other misconstrues, and then they have a huge fight and refuse to speak to each other. Which, honestly, is probably realistic. But it was so frustrating, because they’re clearly meant for each other, they’re just really stubborn and proud. The angst was a little over-the-top for me at the end, but I have a pretty low tolerance for it anyway. Someone who’s really into angsty romances would probably love it. The ending, though, was really cute, and probably the best ending so far in the series.

Just a Little Kiss is a very cute, very fluffy, very quick read that I would highly recommend – just as I would highly recommend all the books in this series. I’m not sure if there will be another book coming up, but if there is, I really hope it follows Felicity’s best friend, Isla. I loved her character and hope to see more of her!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the free copy!

Final rating: ★★★★☆