Let’s Talk About: Books I’ve recently removed from my TBR

In case you missed the five hundred times I talked about it, I recently moved. It was a big move — all the way from New Jersey to Tennessee, or about 800 miles. I had already done a huge unhaul a few months ago but still ended up bringing about five big boxes of books with me. When I got here, though, and was given the opportunity to trade in some books for cash, I made some hard decisions. Was I really going to read all of those books? Probably not.

Hence, The Great Book Unhaul of 2019, Part Two. Otherwise known as Books I’ve Recently Removed From My TBR. I am a little bit sad to say that I did not keep track of all of the books I got rid of. It wasn’t as many as earlier this year, but it was still a big pile!

I’m not including books I got rid of that I’ve already read on this list. This is just books that I bought that, for whatever reason, I don’t think I’m actually ever going to read.

Nothing against any of these books, of course! I think I probably would have enjoyed a lot of them if I’d actually sat down to read them. But most of these were cheap impulse buys (or I got them for free) and they just weren’t anywhere near the top of my TBR. I’m just telling myself that I can always check them out from the library if I really get a burning desire to read them.

I’d like to say this is the last big unhaul for a while, but my next pile is already started.

What are some books you’ve removed from your TBR? Have you done any big unhauls recently? Let’s talk in the comments!

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