Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 17)

I was nominated by Emer for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you so much! ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes of this award here:
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 1516


The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


What book can you not shut up talking about?

Probably The Hating Game! I feel like I recommend it incessantly. I think I used it in a tag earlier this week, too…

What book do you own the most copies of?

Factoring in my fiance’s books, I think The Name of the Wind. Last I checked, we owned a combined three copies.

Who are some authors that you would love to go to lunch with?

Definitely Jenn Bennett! I just feel like she’d be easy to talk to.

How do you organise your books/bookshelves?

I have one bookcase that’s organized pretty nicely by color. I have another one that’s (mostly) black and white books. Then I have one in my bedroom that’s just a bunch of books that didn’t really fit anywhere, plus everything I’ve bought since the last time I organized.

Name a bookish villain you are obsessed with.


What book have you reread the most?

I don’t do a lot of rereads (or really any), but probably Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.

What book means the most to you on a personal level?

Possibly Emergency Contact, because I can relate so much to Penny and Sam’s relationship.

What is your current favourite song?

That’s so hard! I keep going back to illicit affairs, though. That “don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby” part gets me every time.

Pepsi or Coke?

Neither! I’m not a fan of cola. Give me fizzy water any day.

What fictional characters would you like to go on holiday with?

Hmm… Lucy from The Hating Game seems like she’d be fun.

What is your least favourite read of 2020 so far?

The Bromance Book Club. I know everyone loves it, but Gavin’s pushiness and manipulation brought back some really unpleasant memories of my last relationship.

If you want to answer these questions, please feel free! I’d love to see your responses.  What’s your favorite song right now? What’s the worst book you’ve read so far this year? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 16)

I was nominated by Whitney & Charlotte for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you both so much! ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes of this award here:
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9101112131415

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

Rules of the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

11 questions from Whitney:

Do you like to read seasonally? (i.e. a winter book in winter, and so on)

Not really. I do try to read some spooky books around Halloween, but that’s about the extent of it. The rest of the time, I just pick up whatever looks interesting.

Do you use bookstagram? What is your username?

I don’t! I don’t think I’m nearly artsy enough to put out consistently good pictures. (Also, most of what I read is on audio these days.) I do follow a few bookstagrams, though!

Print, e-book, or audio?

A combination, really. I do mostly audio these days because I have a job where I’m allowed (and even encouraged!) to listen to something while I work. It’s an extra 40+ hours of reading time per week! But when I’m home, I feel like I’m pretty evenly split between print and ebook. I just finished an ebook and now I’m reading a print book.

What is your biggest bookish pet peeve?

Probably books that could have been standalones turning into series. It’s such a money grab. We don’t need to have a twenty-seven book series about every single person you’ve ever mentioned in the entire universe of your book. (I will make allowances if the plots remain fresh and interesting, but that’s so rare once you get past the first few books.)

Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter?

Spring! Mostly because I hate winter and love the first sign of it being gone.

Do you know your Hogwarts House? Your patronus?

I did the whole Pottermore sorting thing way back in the day and it put me in Hufflepuff. I feel like my patronus was maybe an otter or something, but I don’t remember for sure.

Where is your favorite place to shop?

My all-time favorite store is Paper Source and I’m very sad that I haven’t found any in Tennessee.

What do you do for fun, besides reading?

I like to cook. I watch The Office and sometimes movies with my boyfriend. Sometimes I go on Reddit and give a bunch of book recommendations. (I hope that counts as different than reading.)

What would be your ultimate vacation?

I visited Costa Rica a few years ago and absolutely loved it. It was so relaxed, the food was good, and it wasn’t even too expensive. I’d love to go back and have zero responsibilities while I’m there.

If you were suddenly given $500,000, what would you do with it?

Pay off my student loans. Probably take that Costa Rica vacation. Buy some nice bookcases. Try to put the majority in savings.

What blog do you think more people should be following?

I just talked about bloggers who give great recommendations here! Two more favorite bloggers who’ve kind of been with me from the beginning (and are always up for a tag, like me) are Jamsu and Lori!

P.S. I just scrolled through my list of blogs I’m following and found that almost half of them hadn’t posted in months! No wonder my WP feed has been a little dead! Please recommend me some of your favorite blogs. 🙂

11 questions from Charlotte:

What book, if any, would you most love to see a prequel of?

None! It’s so rare that I think a book needs to be expanded with a prequel. I can’t even think of any off the top of my head!

What were/are your favourite and least favourite subjects at school?

I have been out of school for a while, but my favorite subjects were always English (shocking), band, and art. Least favorite was physics. I was also not a big fan of gym class because I am just about the least athletic and least coordinated person you’ll ever meet.

What’s your favourite film that was released in 2019?

I didn’t watch a ton of movies in 2019, so that’s a good question. I don’t remember loving anything that was released last year.

What fairytale character would you be willing to trade places with?

Maybe Cinderella? She just turns her whole life around.

What inspired you to start blogging?

I moved a good thousand miles away from all of my book-loving friends and family and needed someone to talk to about books. I decided I’d talk to the internet since nobody I saw on a daily basis was as into books as I was.

What’s one piece of advice that you think all new bloggers should know?

Don’t worry about your stats. This is something that I still struggle with. You can write an amazing blog post that you’re super proud of, that takes you hours, that you think will be really well-received, and be met with silence. You can also bang out a post in five minutes that’ll still be getting comments months later. I have no idea how it works.

And going along with that, views really fluctuate a lot and it has nothing to do with anything you’re doing wrong. Last year at this time, I had almost double the daily views that I have now. I’m not doing anything different. That’s just how it goes sometimes.

If you could meet anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?

Andrew McMahon, from Something Corporate, Jack’s Mannequin, and now solo. He’s been my favorite musician for more than half my life and I think his story is also really inspirational.

Here’s a playlist I made of my favorite Andrew McMahon songs way back when I used to do a whole playlist every week instead of just one song.

What’s your favourite lesser known, or talked about, book?

I never really see people talking about Love Scene, Take Two. I really loved that book and I wish it got more attention!

Which fictional character do you most admire?

Like… ever? That’s a hard question! Maybe Starr from The Hate U Give for standing up for what she believes in.

What generally beloved character gets under your skin?

The first one to come to mind was Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses. I don’t hate her or anything, but I definitely don’t love her as much as a lot of other people do.

What are your goals for 2020?

Blog-wise, I’m hoping to continue to post once a day and keep stepping out of my comfort zone to work with authors and publishers. (There’s another author interview coming in a few weeks!) I’m also trying to think of a good idea for a collaboration series with other bloggers.

Life-wise, I’m trying to make some friends here in Tennessee, which is hard because my natural introvert instinct is to be quiet and not bother anyone. But I think I’m getting there. I’m also trying to be a bit more active since I realized all I really do is sit at my desk all day and then come home and sit down to read or write blog posts. So I’m trying to do three fitness classes per week and get at least 5,000 steps per day.

If you want to answer these questions, please feel free! I’d love to see your responses. ❤ What’s your favorite way to relax? Which book cover is your favorite? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 15)

I was nominated by Consu & Meggan for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you both so much! ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes of this award here:
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 91011121314

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

Rules of the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

11 questions from Consu:

Favorite book of 2019

I think it has to be Sadie.

Prettiest cover (doesn’t matter if you didn’t read the book)

I didn’t like Wild Beauty, but I still love the cover.

Three words on a blurb that’d make you buy the book


A book you expected more from (doesn’t mean it was bad, it just wasn’t it)

I didn’t think Make Me Bad was bad, but it definitely wasn’t up to my expectations for an R.S. Grey book.

A book you expected nothing from and left you pleasantly surprised

So many! The first one that came to mind was Small Spaces (and its sequel, Dead Voices) by Katherine Arden.

Best library/bookstore you’ve visited (yes, I’m stealing this question)

Best library: Princeton Public Library in Princeton, NJ. Very pretty building, great selection, they will literally obtain any book you ask for in any format you request, huge selection of used books for $1 or $2, tons of events, bestselling author on staff… best library ever.

Best bookstore: A Room of One’s Own in Madison, WI. Really cool layout, owned by a famous author, a donation can get you some pretty well-known ARCs, bonus points for being in my favorite city.

A book to screen adaptation that you loved (or are waiting for)

I saw the movie before I read the book, but I’d have to go with Coraline! They did a great job adapting it.

A book you’d want to see adapted

I’m currently reading Crazy Rich Asians and I’d love to watch the adaptation when I’m done!

Favorite book from a genre you don’t usually read

I don’t read a lot of historical fiction, but I loved Daisy Jones & the Six.

Reasons why you’d DNF a book

I’ll usually only DNF if it’s boring AND badly written, and not in a funny enough way that I can do a good rant review. I’ll also DNF if I don’t get along with the writing style after a couple chapters. I’m trying to get better about DNFing, but it’s still pretty rare for me.

A bookblogger you want to hype and why

Mandy & Sha at Book Princess Reviews for their amazing original tags and their consistently great reviews!

11 questions from Meggan:

If you had to choose a super power to gain and any color to alter your eyes to, which would you choose?

For a superpower, I’d choose teleportation. And if I had to change my eye color, I’d probably go with green.

If you could fly somewhere for 24 hours and money wasn’t an issue, where would you go?

I think I’d like to be relaxing in Costa Rica.

Which shows and/or movies can you watch over and over without being tired of it?

I don’t even know how many times I’ve seen Freaks and Geeks.

What is a book that you’ve read that you will always remember?

I’ve read Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret so many times that I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

What is your favorite way to relax?

My current favorite method of relaxation is watching an episode of The Office with my boyfriend.

Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?

Probably, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head!

What kind of books/authors/genres do you like reading?

What is something you used to do regularly and miss?

Blog hop with a lot more frequency. I had a lot of downtime at my old job and could read and comment on a lot of posts while I sat on hold. I have a different job now with basically no downtime and most websites are blocked by the filters, so that’s not really an option anymore. I like my new job a lot more than my old one, but I do miss having all that time.

Cloud watching or stargazing?


What is one mythological creature that you wish were real?

I don’t even know! Maybe a pegasus.

Is there something you refuse to eat no matter what?

Not really. I mean, I don’t like raw fish, eggplant, or coconut, but given the choice between eating them and starving, I’d pick eating them.

If you want to answer these questions, please feel free! I’d love to see your responses. ❤ What’s your favorite way to relax? Which book cover is your favorite? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 14)

I was nominated by Trisha, Dini, and Shyla for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you all so much! ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes of this award here:
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 910111213

Rules of the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

11 questions from Trisha:

A book you pretend you’ve read?

I don’t think I’ve ever pretended to read anything! I will openly admit that I haven’t read a lot of classics or really popular books.

Recommend me a new book boyfriend. What makes him swoon worthy?

That’s a hard one! I haven’t found a good book boyfriend in a long time. I’ll have to go with one of my old standbys — Joshua Templeman from The Hating Game. Some things that make him swoon-worthy:

  • witty banter
  • works in publishing
  • will take care of you when you’re sick
  • seems mean but is just shy

I’m really selling him, I know. I promise he’s better than I’m making him sound.

A criminally underrated book or series?

The Story That Cannot Be Told deserves so much more attention than it’s getting!

How do you organize your bookshelves?

Well, they’re organized in a sort of rainbow, but then books come off the shelf and go back on and I just have so many books with black and white spines that it’s really just a mess.

Do you mostly buy new or used books?

Mostly used! If I can buy it used, I will.

What was the name of your first pet?

A goldfish named Jack. He lived three days.

Do you prefer first or third person?

It depends on what I’m reading, but usually first person. The vibe has to be right for me to prefer third person.

What is the last book you read out of your comfort zone?

Do I even have a comfort zone anymore? I kind of read whatever I feel like these days. I guess maybe The Kitchen by Ollie Masters. Mafia and murder aren’t really my cup of tea, but it was for a reading challenge.

What did you rate your last read and why?

I’m writing this a little bit in advance, so I’m sure I’ll have finished more books by the time this posts, but I finished Bittersweet by Sarina Bowen today and I rated it three stars. Honestly, I felt like it was a little longer than it needed to be and the characters’ lack of discussion of their relationship combined with all of the assumptions they made about each other frustrated me. That said, it was definitely one of the better erotic novels I’ve read, it actually had a plot outside of the sex, and the ending wasn’t ridiculous.

What’s most important, plot or characters?

This is the hardest question for me, because I find it really difficult to care about the plot if I don’t care about the characters, but it’s also really hard to care about the characters when they’re all sitting around doing nothing. But if I was forced to choose, I’d probably go with characters.

Do you read one book at a time or multiple at once?

These days, sometimes I’m juggling three or four books at a time.

11 questions from Dini:

If you could get an ARC of any one of your most anticipated releases, which would it be?

I would break my self-imposed ARC ban for Chasing Lucky.

What is your least favorite book you have read this year?

There have been some real doozies this year, but Little Birds, a collection of “erotic” short stories featuring racism, pedophilia, and bestiality, might take the cake.

What is a book or series that you feel is overrated?

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. A rant review is coming.

What is a book that you always recommend to everyone?

Probably The Hating Game. Just, like, constantly.

What is a hyped book you have no interest in reading?

It’s heresy, but I have literally zero interest in reading Ninth House. I was excited about it, but then I read a few lists of content warnings, and nope. Not for me. I prefer my books a little lighter than this.

What is a movie/TV show location that you want to visit IRL?

I’d love to have Bob make me a burger.

It’s a dark and stormy winter’s night. What book would you curl up beside the fire to reread?

I don’t really do rereads, but I’d love to curl up with either a fluffy romance or a fun graphic novel.

Would you only check out books from libraries or buy all your books new for the rest of your life?

Check them out from the library. My wallet can’t handle the amount of books I read.

What’s your favorite time of the day to to read?

Honestly, all day. I listen to audiobooks from about 8 am to 5 pm during the week, and then I do at least a little physical reading when I get home.

Best bookstore you’ve visited?

A Room of One’s Own is near my old college campus in Madison, WI and I didn’t think much of it when I was a student. I think mostly I was just annoyed with a professor for refusing to let the university bookstore stock the required textbooks and instead making me find this independent bookstore off campus. Well, I went back over the summer and it was great! I’d be there all the time if I still lived in Madison.

If you could have dinner with three authors who would they be and why?

  • Jenn Bennett, because she seems super nice, I love her books, and I’m jealous of her bread-baking skills.
  • Sally Thorne, because she also seems super nice and I’d love to talk to her about The Hating Game and Josh and Lucy.
  • R.S. Grey, because if she’s half as funny in real life as she is in her books, we’ll have a great time.

11 questions from Shyla:

Name one thing that you’re obsessing over / geeking out about these days!

Decorating my apartment! We just got the signed records up, and I have a ton of stuff — my favorite Saga issues, some set lists, some signed Playbills — framed and ready for hanging whenever I get the time. I also finally got my birthday present (a handwritten note from Jenn Bennett) framed and hung.

What’s a more appealing reading experience to you, series or standalone?

Definitely standalone! I’m terrible at finishing series and I hate cliffhangers.

Show off your latest book haul (purchase, gift, what have you)!

I actually haven’t had a book haul in a long time! The last gift I got was Jealous Revenge, but that’s an ebook so I can’t really show it off!

You’ve had a rough day, how are you going to spend your evening?

Great question. My preferred end to a rough day goes as follows:

  • come home, pet my cat a lot
  • take a nice hot shower
  • eat a nice home-cooked dinner with my boyfriend
  • watch a funny show, probably The Office
  • eat some ice cream or whatever kind of baked good we’ve recently made

Morning person or night owl?

I’m just a sleepy person. But I guess probably night owl. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep, so if I can sleep past 6 am, that makes life a little easier.

Are you pickier about food or books?

Definitely books! I’ll eat almost anything.

Name one bucket list item!

I’d love to be able to sit down with one of my favorite authors and actually have a conversation with them. I’ve met a few authors I really admire and I’m usually a jumble of nerves and barely able to get any words out.

If you could invent one thing, anything at all, what would it be?

Speaking of never sleeping, I’d love to invent a machine that would put me to sleep without any of the negative side effects of actual sleeping pills.

If you were starting University/College tomorrow, what would you major in?

Hmm, if I could do it all over again… I might do an English degree to make a job in publishing a smidgen more likely.

If you could travel to one book world, which would you choose?

Henrietta, Virginia. 🙂

Who would you cast as the lead in a screen adaptation of your favourite book (whether or not it already exists)?

I am very sorry, but I am terrible at fancasting. I have no idea where to even start.

If you want to answer these questions, please feel free! I’d love to see your responses. ❤ What’s your go-to book recommendation? Do you like to stick to one book or read multiple at the same time? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 13)

I was nominated by Heran, Alexandra, and Sylvia for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you all so much! ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes of this award here:
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9101112

Rules of the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

11 questions from Heran:

What was your first blog post?

You know, good question. It appears that it was a review of Margot by Jillian Cantor way back on November 12, 2013.

What’s the best film you’ve seen this year? Why?

I can suddenly only think of movies I haven’t liked! While I can admit that Midsommar was a cinematically beautiful movie (even given the subject matter), it just didn’t do it for me. (My boyfriend absolutely loved it.)

Where’s the best place you’ve ever been (on holiday)?

Costa Rica!

What’s your favourite post you’ve written?

It’s been a long time, but I really am partial to my post about my favorite book bloggers. ❤

Would you rather be the hero in a story or the villain? Why?

The hero, just because I hate confrontation and I’d have to have way too much of it as the villain.

Is there anything you’re excited for in 2020 (bookish or non-bookish)?

A new president. (I definitely didn’t just say that.)

Do you have a favourite word?

I do. It’s spiffy.

What’s one song you think everybody should listen to?

I think if you’re going through a difficult time in your life, you should listen to High Beam by Chelsea Jade.

Are you a plot person or a characters person?

Ideally, I would have both. I really don’t know how to answer this one. If the plot is boring, I don’t care about it or the characters. If the characters are boring, I don’t care what they’re doing. But we all knew that I’m super critical about things, so this probably isn’t a surprise.

What’s one thing that’s on your bucket list?

Going on a fun vacation abroad with my boyfriend! We’ve only gotten to travel within the US so far.

What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

I actually got to tell an author, to her face, without stumbling over my words or embarrassing myself, that I loved her book.

11 questions from Alexandra:

What is your favorite book-to-screen adaption?

Hmm, maybe Matilda.

What is your most hated book-to-screen adaption?

The Mortal Instruments.

Create a quick playlist for your favorite book.

My most recent five-star book was The Story That Cannot Be Told, and conveniently, I just shared a playlist created by the author!

A book you pretend you’ve read.

Why would I pretend that I’ve read a book when I could actually read it? I just don’t understand that.

Who’s your favorite superhero and why?

I’m not really a superhero person, but I was always partial to Mr. Fantastic when I was in high school.

Recommend me a new book boyfriend. What makes him swoon-worthy?

I’ll go with Michael Phan from The Kiss Quotient. He’s just such a good person.

A criminally underrated book or series.

Anything by Jenn Bennett, really. Her books are so good and I feel like only a very small section of the book blogging world talks about her.

If you could interview one character who would it be and why?

All the credit goes to my boyfriend for this one: Kvothe from The Name of the Wind, because how fun would that be?

What is your go-to fluff book?

The Hating Game. I’ve only ever read it once, though. (But then again, I only ever read most things once.)

What are your favorite reading snacks?

I don’t eat while I read. I’m way too messy of an eater.

It’s time to assemble your bookish squad! Which characters make the cut?

I’ll go with Connor Cobalt from the Addicted series, Hazel from Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating, and Joshua Templeman and Lucy Hutton from The Hating Game.

11 questions from Sylvia:

What animal would you want as your side kick?

Definitely a cat, preferably a sassy one like Mr. Kindly in Nevernight.

Which genre of books is underrated in your opinion?

I think quality memoirs are underrated. I say “quality” because there are a lot of really, really bad memoirs out there.

What is the most interesting food you’ve ever eaten?

Probably llama heart.

What is your favorite winter activity?

Literally never leaving the house. I hate winter.

What useless super power would you want to have?

Credit to my boyfriend again: being able to turn the page without touching it.

Favorite cartoon?

Bob’s Burgers!

Favorite ice cream topping?

I like sour things, so sour gummy worms, those sour popping balls, anything sour, really.

Who is your favorite book or movie villain?

Victor Vale from Vicious!

If you could see any singer/band (living or dead) in concert, who would it be?

I’m really sad that I never saw Brand New in concert. If they ever do another tour, I’ll be there.

Best read so far this year?

I’ve hardly had any five-star books this year! I’m going to cheat a little and give you three:

Which planet would you want to visit?

I’ve always liked Saturn, although I don’t know quite how visiting there would work!

If you want to answer these questions, please feel free! I’d love to see your responses. ❤ What’s the most interesting food you’ve eaten? If you could recommend one song to me, what would it be? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’