Tag: This Is My Genre (Take 2)

It’s time for another round of the This Is My Genre tag. You can see the first version of this tag here! A big thank you to Jamsu for tagging me way back in the middle of November. Sorry that it took me forever to do this one.



What is your favorite genre?
Well, the last time I did this tag, I went with young adult contemporary romance. This time, I think I’ll go with adult romance.

Who is your favorite author from that genre?
Oh wow, that’s such a hard question. Maybe Christina Lauren? Their books are always so great.

What is it about the genre that keeps pulling you back?
It’s so easy to lose yourself in a good romance novel and just forget about whatever is going on in your life. My world can be falling apart around me, but I’ll be able to calm down and get through it as long as I have a good book to take my mind off of things.

What is the book that started your love for that genre?
I think the first adult romance that I really loved, like five stars and heart eyes emojis all over the place, was Landline by Rainbow Rowell. I don’t even know how I was blessed with an ARC of this book, but I was and I loved it so much.

If you had to recommend at least one book from your favorite genre to a non-reader/someone looking to start reading this genre, what book would you choose and why?
I would choose The Hating Game because I love it so much and will take any opportunity to recommend it. But, more seriously, I’d recommend it because I think it’s a great story, it’s written in a way that really draws you in and makes it difficult to put down, and the characters and the banter are just amazing.

Why do you read?
I’m just going to steal my own answer from the last time I did this tag. “To forget a little bit about what’s going on in my life and lose myself in a good story.”

Since it’s my second time doing this tag, I won’t tag anyone, but feel free to do it if it looks fun to you! If you do, please link back to me so I can see your answers. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Tag: This Is My Genre (Take 2)

  1. Kelly says:

    Ooh, this looks like a fun tag. I’m not much of a romance reader but I think it’s because I’ve just not found some that I enjoy yet. I’ll definitely be checking out the books you’ve mentioned here.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. rayasreads says:

    I agree with you so much! Reading is such a big escape for me. Sometimes I just like enter a world where in the end things wrap up neatly, unlike my real life. And romances mostly always provide that escape for me more than any other genre.

    Liked by 1 person

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