Top Ten Tuesday: Character traits I love

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s theme is character traits I love, and I had to think about this one a little bit!! This theme was submitted by Hannah @ Books Life and Other Oddities.


I hate conflict, okay. I had to create some conflict recently when I quit my job of seven years, and yikes. I agonized about that for a very long time. Characters that are like me make me feel better.

Example: Bailey from Alex, Approximately


And by this, I don’t mean your standard YA manic pixie dream girl. I mean someone who has a weird interest and isn’t afraid to shout about it.

Example: Bex from The Anatomical Shape of a Heart


I almost always like my books to have at least a little bit of humor in them, but if the main character is legitimately funny, I will probably love the book.

Example: Caroline and Simon in Wallbanger


Sometimes a tense scene really just needs someone to chime in with a sassy comment. The kinds of characters that make those comments are some of my favorites.

Example: Mr. Kindly in Nevernight


This has to be done right for me to enjoy it, but I love it when a story is going along just fine and then a character pipes up to yell something like “what are you thinking?? you can’t put your PURSE on the FLOOR! all your money will disappear!”

Example: Ileana’s Mamaie in The Story That Cannot Be Told


I am kind of the opposite of outspoken, so I really like to read about characters that aren’t shy about standing up for themselves and their beliefs.

Example: Lucy in Heretics Anonymous

good at communicating

I think that, by now, the entire internet knows that I hate the miscommunication trope. Give me a character that can actually say what they want to say in a clear way that everyone can understand and I will love them.

Example: Freddy in Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me


Can your character get themselves out of a mess without batting an eye? I will probably like your book.

Example: Octavia in A Conspiracy of Stars


I can’t say that I really enjoy reading about anxiety, but as someone who is very, very anxious literally all of the time, it makes me feel so much better to read about characters who feel the same way I do.

Example: Stevie in Truly Devious


I like smart characters. I’m not talking about the fake kind of smart, where the characters just use big words and we’re supposed to deduce that they’re geniuses, but real, actual smart characters, who don’t make stupid decisions for no reason.

Example: Connor in the Addicted series

Did you do your own Top Ten Tuesday post today? Feel free to leave your link in the comments and I’ll check it out! What are some of your favorite character traits? Can you recommend books featuring any of my favorite character traits? Let’s talk in the comments!

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4 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Character traits I love

  1. indiefan20 says:

    I have anxiety too (or more specifically, OCD) and like to see characters with similar issues too. I also agree it’s really annoying when characters can’t articulate ANYTHING and cause lots of unnecessary drama (that’s extremely prevalent in sitcoms.) 🙂

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