Book review: Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
Series: Truly Devious #1
Rating: ★★★★☆
Links: AmazonTBDGoodreads
Publication Date: January 16, 2018
Source: Borrowed

Ellingham Academy is a famous private school in Vermont for the brightest thinkers, inventors, and artists. It was founded by Albert Ellingham, an early twentieth century tycoon, who wanted to make a wonderful place full of riddles, twisting pathways, and gardens. “A place” he said, “where learning is a game.”

Shortly after the school opened, his wife and daughter were kidnapped. The only real clue was a mocking riddle listing methods of murder, signed with the frightening pseudonym, Truly Devious. It became one of the great unsolved crimes of American history.

True-crime aficionado Stevie Bell is set to begin her first year at Ellingham Academy, and she has an ambitious plan: She will solve this cold case. That is, she will solve the case when she gets a grip on her demanding new school life and her housemates: the inventor, the novelist, the actor, the artist, and the jokester. But something strange is happening. Truly Devious makes a surprise return, and death revisits Ellingham Academy. The past has crawled out of its grave. Someone has gotten away with murder.

Truly Devious has been on my radar forever, it just took me awhile to get around to actually reading it. June’s Monthly Motif (Crack the Case) was just the push I needed to actually dive in. To start off, I guess I should say that this book was completely not what I expected. I don’t know what I was expecting, but not this!

Anyway, I really liked Stevie. She’s a true crime fanatic, she fancies herself a detective, and she’s almost too curious about everything going on around her. She gets herself into some trouble with her snooping. And her parents just don’t understand! I’m definitely not a Young Adult anymore, but I related to Stevie so much.

First of all, I’m 28 and I feel like I’m still having this conversation with my mother:

Her parents had no idea that you could meet people outside of school and it wasn’t freaky and the internet was the way of finding your people.
(I think the next generation of parents will have a totally different outlook on this.)
But also, this quote about anxiety!!!

People say depression lies. Anxiety is just stupid. It’s unable to tell the difference between things that are actually scary (being buried alive, for example) and things that are not scary at all (being in bed under the covers). It hits all the same buttons. Stop. Go. Up. Down. It’s all the same to anxiety.

It’s like Maureen Johnson took the words straight out of my head.
I don’t even know what to say in this review because I feel like I’m going to spoil everything, so let me just say that I liked:
  • the setting! I love boarding school books!
  • the teensy bit of romance that develops between Stevie and one of her classmates!
  • the totally platonic friendship between Stevie and a different classmate!
  • Stevie’s ability to make weird connections in the two different mysteries!

I didn’t really like:

  • That cliffhanger!
I just need The Vanishing Stair right now.

#mm18: crack the case

Tags: Liebster Award (Take 2) + The Entertainer Book Tag

Thanks to Bibi for nominating me for the Liebster Award! She’s so nice and I love her reviews! Please go check out her blog when you get a chance. ❤

(You can see Take 1 of the Liebster Award here!)


  • Thank the person who nominated you and give a link to their blog.
  • Answer the questions you are asked.
  • Nominate few other bloggers for the award and inform them.
  • Create ten interesting questions to be answered by them.


1. What’s your favourite colour?

2. Are you a morning person?
I start work at 7:30am every day, so I kind of have to be. I’m pretty used to it by now (I’ve had this job for six years) but I still need a bunch of coffee in the morning!

3. What 3 words best describe you?
Um… awkward, affectionate, and, sticking with the a-words, adaptable.

4. What makes you happy?
I’m a pretty easy person! A lot of things make me happy!

  • babies and small children, particularly my nephew since he’s hilarious
  • visiting New York
  • obviously books
  • being at the farm by my house
  • hearing from long-lost friends – last weekend one of my college friends asked if I’d want to come visit him in Philly and first of all, of course I do, but second of all I was super excited since I haven’t even heard from him in like three years
  • people wanting to make plans with me literally makes my day every time, honestly you would think I’ve never had a friend in my whole life
  • listening to music from high school and college (I’m listening to fun. right now and I love it)

5. If you could live in a book, which one would you choose?
I think it would be so cool to live in the world of the Raven Cycle!

6. What’s your favourite blog post written by someone else?
I just had this question in a different tag! I’m really going to give the same answer again because I have no idea. I like recommendation lists, I like really snarky book reviews, and I like tags.

7. What’s your favorite blog post you’ve written?
Recently, I’m pretty happy with my summer TBR goals. My favorite blog post ever… I have no idea.

8. If you could spend the day with any author, and do whatever you want, who would it be and what would you do?
I stand by what I said a little bit ago, I think it would be really fun to bake a pie with Jenn Bennett.

9. Is there something you wish you could do different about your blog?
Honestly, if there’s something I want to do differently, I just do it. If you look back to my really old reviews, they’re totally different than what I post now. If there’s anything that I wish I’d done differently over the years, it would be moving my blog here sooner. I’ve had more interaction in three months here than I had in five years on Tumblr.

10. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate if I’m stress eating, otherwise dark chocolate (the darker the better). I’m not the biggest fan of white chocolate, but I do like it in cookies.

I’m losing track of who I’ve tagged in these awards, so I’m going with some people I’ve recently started following!

Nominations: BrittanyTshepiso | Hamad | Ashley | anyone else who wants to do it!


  1. What’s your favorite song right now?
  2. Who’s one (or more) of your auto-buy authors?
  3. Where’s one place you’d love to travel?
  4. If you could only read one genre for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  5. What was your last five-star book?
  6. Paperback, hardcover, or ebook?
  7. What’s your favorite thing about your blog?
  8. Are you involved at all with booktube or bookstagram?
  9. What are three things that people might not know about you?
  10. What’s something you hope to have accomplished in ten years?

I was tagged by Lori for the Entertainer Book Tag! Please check out her blog when you get a chance! ❤

6 questions from Lori:

1. Your least favorite read so far of 2018?
I keep yelling about how much I hated it, but Distrust by T.L. Smith.

2. Would you rather read inside or outside and why?
Inside because first of all, I’m super pale and I get sunburned in like three seconds. Last weekend I was in a park under trees all day and I somehow got sunburned?? Please explain. Going along with that, I work in a dermatology office (specifically, we deal with a lot of skin cancer) and I feel really bad going to work sunburned! And also a little bit like I’m going to be the next patient. I don’t really want to do a surgical prior auth for myself, so… inside it is.

3. Bookmarks or dog-ears?
Bookmarks every time.

4. Your highly acclaimed author?
So, my favorite author? Why is this the hardest question? Once upon a time, I would have said Krista & Becca Ritchie, hands down, but I feel like there’s way too much drama in the Fizzle Force right now and I hardly even want to read their books anymore because of it. Now I would have to go with maybe Jenn Bennett, V.E. Schwab (even though her books actually kill me each time), or R.S. Grey? It’s such a hard decision!!

5. Your least favorite genre?
I’m really not that picky about genre! I mean, clearly, romance is my favorite since I’m always talking about it. BUT that doesn’t mean that I dislike mysteries or thrillers or sci-fi or fantasy or nonfiction or any other genre. The only genre I kind of struggle to get into (and I hesitate to even call it a genre) is classics.

6. Which popular author can’t you get into?
Sorry sorry sorry, I know this is terrible, but I haven’t been able to get into Neil Gaiman. Also Haruki Murakami. For authors that are more in my wheelhouse, Alessandra Torre, Holly Black, and James Dashner.


Alyssa Grace | Lotte | Caidyn & Chantel | Winged Cynic | anyone else who wants to do it!

6 questions from me:

  1. Do you have any hobbies aside from reading?
  2. What’s the last book you added to your TBR?
  3. What book are you most proud of finishing?
  4. What’s been your biggest struggle with blogging?
  5. What made you decide to start blogging?
  6. What’s your favorite social media platform and why?

As always, no pressure to do the tag! Let me know if you like doing tags and also let me know if you want me to leave you alone! 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I don’t plan to finish

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s theme is ten series I’ve given up on or don’t plan to finish, which was submitted by A Book and a Cup. When it comes to series, I tend to either be all in or I abandon them after the first book. Down below I have ten series that I don’t intend to finish, either because I lost interest or because it’s just been too long since I read the first book.

Series: Me Before You
Author: Jojo Moyes
Links: Goodreads

Louisa Clark is an ordinary young woman living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has never been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex-Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair-bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is.

Will is acerbic, moody, bossy—but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.

A love story for this generation, Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart?

I actually really enjoyed Me Before You, but I felt like the story wrapped up nicely and I didn’t feel any burning desire to finish the series.

Series: Servants of Fate
Author: Sarah Fine
Links: Goodreads

In a broken landscape carved by environmental collapse, Boston paramedic Cacia Ferry risks life and limb on the front lines of a fragile and dangerous city. What most don’t know—including her sexy new partner, Eli Margolis—is that while Cacy works to save lives, she has another job ferrying the dead to the Afterlife. Once humans are “Marked” by Fate, the powerful Ferrys are called to escort the vulnerable souls to either eternal bliss or unending fire and pain.

Unaware of Cacy’s other life, Eli finds himself as mesmerized by his fierce and beautiful partner as he is mistrustful of the influential Ferry clan led by the Charon—who happens to be Cacy’s father. Cacy, in turn, can no longer deny her intense attraction to the mysterious ex-Ranger with a haunted past. But just as their relationship heats up, an apparent hit takes the Charon before his time. Shaken to the core, Cacy pursues the rogue element who has seized the reins of Fate, only to discover that Eli has a devastating secret of his own. Not knowing whom to trust, what will Cacy have to sacrifice to protect Eli—and to make sure humanity’s future is secure?

I… didn’t love this book. It’s really just a romance novel masquerading as something else.

Series: GroVont
Author: Tim Sandlin
Links: Goodreads

In 1963, 13-year-old Sam Callahan and his tart-tongued, divorced, misbehaving mother, Lydia, must cope as best they can after they are banished to the hicktown of GroVont, Wyoming, by Lydia’s Southern gentleman father.

I actually own the next book in this series, but I don’t know if I really want to read it. This book is fine (I didn’t love it, but it’s fine) but it’s another one that I feel doesn’t really need to be continued.

Series: Pushing the Limits
Author: Katie McGarry
Links: Goodreads

“I won’t tell anyone, Echo. I promise.” Noah tucked a curl behind my ear. It had been so long since someone touched me like he did. Why did it have to be Noah Hutchins? His dark brown eyes shifted to my covered arms. “You didn’t do that-did you? It was done to you?” No one ever asked that question. They stared. They whispered. They laughed. But they never asked.

So wrong for each other…and yet so right.

No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with “freaky” scars on her arms. Even Echo can’t remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo’s world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible. Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she’ll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again…

It seems like everybody loves this book, but I just didn’t. I was really disappointed by a lot of what happened and I really never want to read another book in this series. (I would happily try something else by Katie McGarry, though, because her new books sound really good!)

Series: Rebel Belle
Author: Rachel Hawkins
Links: Goodreads

Harper Price, peerless Southern belle, was born ready for a Homecoming tiara. But after a strange run-in at the dance imbues her with incredible abilities, Harper’s destiny takes a turn for the seriously weird. She becomes a Paladin, one of an ancient line of guardians with agility, super strength and lethal fighting instincts.

Just when life can’t get any more disastrously crazy, Harper finds out who she’s charged to protect: David Stark, school reporter, subject of a mysterious prophecy and possibly Harper’s least favorite person. But things get complicated when Harper starts falling for him—and discovers that David’s own fate could very well be to destroy Earth.

With snappy banter, cotillion dresses, non-stop action and a touch of magic, this new young adult series from bestseller Rachel Hawkins is going to make y’all beg for more.

I actually really loved this book, but I’ve heard really mixed reviews about the rest of the series. I think it’s best to end this one on a high note.

Series: The Chronos Files
Author: Rysa Walker
Links: Goodreads

When Kate Pierce-Keller’s grandmother gives her a strange blue medallion and speaks of time travel, sixteen-year-old Kate assumes the old woman is delusional. But it all becomes horrifyingly real when a murder in the past destroys the foundation of Kate’s present-day life. Suddenly, that medallion is the only thing protecting Kate from blinking out of existence.

Kate learns that the 1893 killing is part of something much more sinister, and Kate’s genetic ability to time-travel makes her the only one who can stop him. Risking everything, she travels to the Chicago World’s Fair to try to prevent the killing and the chain of events that follows.

Changing the timeline comes with a personal cost, however—if Kate succeeds, the boy she loves will have no memory of her existence. And regardless of her motives, does she have the right to manipulate the fate of the entire world?

The first book in this series was fine, and I had the second on my next-up shelf on Goodreads for probably a good two years before I finally gave up and realized that I was never going to read it. Now I hardly even remember what the first book was about, so I’m definitely not continuing with the series.

Series: From Manhattan With Love
Author: Sarah Morgan
Links:  Goodreads

Cool, calm and competent, events planner Paige Walker loves a challenge. After a childhood spent in and out of hospitals, she’s now determined to prove herself—and where better to take the world by storm than in the exhilarating bustle of Manhattan? But when Paige is let go from the job she loves, she must face her biggest challenge of all—going it alone.

Except launching her own events company is nothing compared to hiding her outrageous crush on Jake Romano—her brother’s best friend, New York’s most in-demand date, and the only man to break her heart. When Jake offers Paige’s fledgling company a big chance, their still-sizzling chemistry starts giving her sleepless nights. But can she convince the man who trusts no one to take a chance on forever?

Friends-to-lovers is my favorite but I didn’t really enjoy this book. I found the ending particularly disappointing and it really ruined any chance of me reading the next book.


Series: Take the Fall
Author: Marquita Valentine
Links: Goodreads

As a teenager, Seth O’Connor went to jail for a crime he had nothing to do with. He took the fall to protect the girl he loved, but the cruel realities of prison hardened him. After doing his time, Seth shuts her out and enlists in the Marines—until his grandmother’s funeral forces him to come home and face Rowan Simmons once again. The woman she’s become puts all his high-school memories to shame, and Seth wants her more than ever. Can he be honest about why he denied her for so long?

After Seth pushed her away, Rowan swore that no man would ever hurt her again. But the boy who broke her heart has become a sexy Marine, capable of fulfilling her every desire—and now that he’s back in town, old feelings are simmering to a boil. Rowan wants to stay strong, even as her body surrenders to his expert touch. She only hopes that by taking him back, she can finally help heal the wounds that drove them apart.

There are a lot of books by Marquita Valentine that I’ve really enjoyed, but not this one. Better to stick with a series I enjoy than try to force myself to finish this one.

Series: Cold Fury Hockey
Author: Sawyer Bennett
Links: Goodreads

The Carolina Cold Fury hockey team is stacked with hotshots. But when a new player joins their ranks, he learns that even superstars can’t go it alone when it comes to love.

Lucas Fournier is only serious about one thing: hockey. The league’s fun-loving charmer, Luc is always up for a good prank or a great lay, and he has no intention of settling down. But being traded to the Carolina Cold Fury—and to play alongside his big brother, Max—is no joke. With another title in sight, the last thing Luc wants is to let his new teammates down. To succeed, Luc will need to keep his head in the game and the most . . . er, demanding member of his anatomy in check. But when temptation hits, Luc hits back harder.

Museum curator Stephanie Frazier has always put business before pleasure, which just about explains her nonexistent sex life. But when Stephanie meets Luc at a champagne-fueled gala, she finds herself flirting like crazy—and going home with the uninhibited athlete. For one night, she learns what passion is all about. She just never counted on the little surprise Luc leaves behind. And that’s when things really start to get . . . interesting.

Honestly, I don’t really love sports romances so I don’t know why I keep trying to read them. I actually really loved Lucas as a character, but I didn’t love this book. (Stephanie was exhausting.) There are a million books in this series and I think I’ll stay away.

Series: Here and Now
Author: Lexi Ryan
Links: Goodreads

The last thing I remember is having drinks at Brady’s and trying to avoid eye-contact with my life-long crush—the gorgeous, unattainable Maximilian Hallowell. They tell me that was a year ago, but I have no memories of anything since then. What I do have is this ring on my finger that Max says he gave me, and this much-thinner body I’ve dreamed of most of my life. Aside from a case of retrograde amnesia, everything seems almost…perfect.

But the deeper I immerse myself into this new world of mine—planning a wedding to a man I don’t remember dating, attempting to run a business I don’t remember starting—the clearer it becomes that nothing is as it seems. Do I have the life I’ve always wanted or is it a facade propped up by secrets I don’t even know I have?

I need answers before I marry Max, and the only person who seems to have them is the angry, tatted, sexy-as-sin rocker Nate Crane. And Nate wants me for himself.

This book was… not great. I would sort of like to know what happens next, but not enough to keep reading the series.

What are some series that you’ve abandoned?

ARC review: Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga

Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Links: AmazonTBDGoodreads
Publication Date: July 3, 2018
Source: ARC from publisher

In the war against the Forces of Darkness, the Royals are losing. Princess Ivy is determined to end this centuries-long conflict once and for all, so her new battle partner must succeed where the others failed. Prince Zach’s unparalleled skill with a sword, enhanced by Ivy’s magic Kiss, should make them an unstoppable pair—but try convincing Zach of that. 

Prince Zach has spent his life preparing for battle, but he would rather be branded a heretic than use his lips as nothing more than a way to transfer magic. A kiss is a symbol of love, and love is the most powerful weapon they have—but try convincing Ivy of that.

With the fate of their world on the line, the battlefield has become a testing ground, and only one of them can be right. Falling for each other wasn’t part of the plan—but try convincing their hearts of that.

I was intrigued by the concept of this book, a magical world in which Kisses with capital Ks have almost limitless power, but after finishing the book, I’m not just not convinced. The story itself is kind of cute, sort of like a fairytale with its princes and princesses and witches and dragons.

That said, I didn’t feel like the overall story was particularly unique and it took quite awhile for me to care about what was happening. More than anything, I just felt burned out by reading the word Kiss eighteen times on each page. I’m in a bit of a reading slump as it is, which didn’t help.

I think this is partially a case of me not really being in the mood for this sort of fluffy fantasy, so I’m rounding my rating of 2.5 stars up to 3. It’s an interesting concept, for sure, and the ending was cute. It just wasn’t for me.

Book review: Faithful Place by Tana French

Faithful Place by Tana French
Series: Dublin Murder Squad #3
Rating: ★★★★☆
Links: AmazonTBDGoodreads
Publication Date: July 13, 2010
Source: Borrowed

That which was buried is brought to light and wreaks hell — on no one more so than Frank Mackey, beloved undercover guru and burly hero first mentioned in French’s second book about the Undercover Squad, The Likeness.

Faithful Place is Frank’s old neighborhood, the town he fled twenty-two years ago, abandoning an abusive alcoholic father, harpy mother, and two brothers and sisters who never made it out. They say going home is never easy, but for Frank, investigating the cold case of the just-discovered body of his teenage girlfriend, it is a tangled, dangerous journey, fraught with mean motivations, black secrets, and tenuous alliances. Because he is too close to the case, and because the Place (including his family) harbors a deep-rooted distrust of cops, Frank must undergo his investigation furtively, using all the skills picked up from years of undercover work to trace the killer and the events of the night that changed his life.

No matter how good you are, this world is always going to be better at this game. It’s more cunning than you are, it’s faster and it’s a whole lot more ruthless. All you can do is try to keep up, know your weak spots and never stop expecting the sucker punch.

Alright, so this was my first book by Tana French and I am not disappointed. I had expected your standard murder mystery, but what I actually got was a story about a dysfunctional family and young love that ends too soon. I’m not even really sure what I can say about this book because my mind is kind of all over the place right now.

So, sure, there’s a murder mystery here. More than one, actually, but I’m not even going to get into that. The mystery is secondary to Frank’s relationship with his family and all of the backstory about his relationship with Rosie. Tana French has a way with words and even though she broke my heart with this book, I guess I’ll keep coming back for more. I don’t know if I can really say any more about this book without blurting out all of my feelings (and the associated spoilers), so I’ll stop here.

Thanks to Daniel for the recommendation!

#mm18: crack the case