Top Ten Tuesday: Books I feel differently about now that time has passed

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s theme is a total freebie, so I scrolled back through the depths of the TTT archives to find a topic that sounded fun that I hadn’t done yet. I decided to go with books I feel differently about now that time has passed.

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

original (2012) rating: ★★★★☆

I very vividly remember reading this book during my last shift of my last college job. I was completely engrossed. I had to know what happened next. Looking back, there are a lot of problems with this book. The whole attitude toward suicide in this book is problematic at best, and Hannah blaming her suicide on several classmates and forcing them to not only listen to her tapes but also pass them along so everyone else can find out their “crimes” is just… not great. I couldn’t even make it halfway through the first season of the show.

Twilight (series) by Stephenie Meyer

original (2006) rating: ★★★★★

I didn’t have a Goodreads account when I first read Twilight, but please believe me when I say that I was obsessed. I thought that this book was the greatest thing. Edward and Bella were meant to be. I don’t think that this book is the worst thing ever written, but I can definitely recognize the problems it has now that I’m older.

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

original (2006-ish) rating: ★★★☆☆

I was about sixteen years old the first time that I read The Catcher in the Rye, and while I didn’t hate it, I also didn’t really appreciate it. I thought Holden was a bit annoying. I didn’t really like the writing style. I just didn’t click with it. I re-read it last year and absolutely adored it.

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

original (2017) rating: ★★★★☆

This was the first collection of Instagram-type poetry that I ever read, and I more or less enjoyed it, so I gave it four stars. As time has gone on, I’ve learned that basically all of these collections are the same, and about half of the poems in each collection are just sentences with line breaks.

(anybody can write
sentences with line breaks
that doesn’t make it

The Naughty Corner by Jasmine Haynes

original (2014) rating: ★★★★☆

The Naughty Corner was one of the first erotic novels I ever read, and because of that, I think I liked it a lot more then than I would now. Looking back, there isn’t anything particularly exciting about this book. It’s kind of a gross concept, to be honest, and I feel like it would probably get one star if I read it today.

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

original (2013) rating: ★★★★☆

When I first read the first three books of the Mortal Instruments series back in 2013, I was swept away by the world of the Shadowhunters. As I continued on with the series, I was really disappointed by the lack of plot and character development. Looking back, this series is basically just a bunch of popular books thrown together with some fake incest added in for good measure. Add to that all of the Cassandra Clare drama I’ve learned about, and I’ll just stay away from this series (and her others).

Under My Skin by Shawntelle Madison

original (2014) rating: ★★★★☆

Having re-read my review for this book, here’s what I can tell you I liked about this book at the time: the intriguing plot and the well-developed characters. Thinking back, all I can remember is being really confused about what was happening and wondering when I was going to get any resolution at all. Apparently it all came together in the end, but I think this would probably get two stars if I read it today.

Off the Record by K.A. Linde

original (2014) rating: ★★★☆☆

To be honest, I’m not sure quite why I gave this book three stars when I originally read it since I actually hated it. I hated the characters, I hated the relationship, I hated everyone’s attitude, and I didn’t even think the writing was very good.

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

original (2016) rating: ★★★☆☆

Sometime between 2016 and now, I’ve become much harsher in my ratings. I didn’t really enjoy this book very much and thought it didn’t really live up to the hype, and yet I still gave it three stars for some reason. I don’t think it’s terrible or anything, but I did think that the ending was completely over-the-top and far too many convenient things happened for the book to seem even remotely realistic.

Permanent Record by Leslie Stella

original (2013) rating: ★★★☆☆

This is another book that I didn’t actually like that I mysteriously gave three stars. It’s been years since I read this, but I remember feeling so relieved once I finished, and getting rid of this in one of my unhauls was probably one of the easiest decisions I’ve made.

Did you do your own Top Ten Tuesday post today? Feel free to leave your link in the comments and I’ll check it out! What are some books you’ve changed your mind about? Let’s talk in the comments!

26 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I feel differently about now that time has passed

  1. Sarah says:

    Great topic for this week! I completely agree about The Girl on the Train. I remember seeing a lot of comparisons to Gone Girl and I don’t think those books were ever anywhere near the same level. Plus the MC was really just exhausting.


  2. Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts says:

    Great list. I cannot STAND Twilight anymore. The “relationship” between Edward and Bella is so unhealthy is makes me uncomfortable. But once upon a time, I do remember binging that book. I was always not a fan of sparkling vampires though lol … they should not SPARKLE!

    I haven’t read milk and honey yet but I plan to. I’m a huge fan of free verse poetry, so I’m curious how I will feel about it. I just finished “Nocturnal” by Wilder Poetry and really enjoyed it. It was kind of repetitive with themes as well, but it felt like a story.

    I really enjoy reading peoples’ reactions about 13 Reasons, especially as someone that has suffered from mental health. I don’t know how I feel? I’m not gonna lie, I never read the book but I sped through the Netflix show. Parts of me enjoyed the show, since I felt like it didn’t romanticize suicide, but a lot of people feel like it did which I find intriguing. I’m also not sure how I feel about the tapes … like, I unno .. part of me thinks those people SHOULD know that actions have consequences … but at the same time, HER actions now have consequences. And I also felt so bad for Clay … which my friend said the show makes you feel even more sad for him … as they don’t know each other as well in the book apparently. it’s hard … I think we need to talk about these things and I think it needs to be NOT sugar coated … but at the same time, it should be tamed and sugar coated so it doesn’t make things worse for someone suffering.

    Sorry … LONG comment … I just really love discussions, especially when opinions may differ. It helps me see different points of view 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Susan says:

    Ok so let’s see

    13 Reasons why was the start of the whole YA thing for me so I’m gonna just shut up lol.. plus it was also the start of the end of many things in my life and so it just is kinda of more like a moment in time… so yeah I’m gonna shut up lol

    Twilight. I hadn’t even heard of the books till the movie and as soon as the boy glistened in the sun I was hella done.

    I got through about 100 pages of City of Bones before I was wondering why JK Rowling hadn’t sued her for plagiarism and stopped. -_- lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. YariGarciaWrites says:

    I felt the same way about Milk and Honey. A lot of the poems felt like she assumed her ex was always thinking about her, simply because they had sex? I think I was/am older than the target demographic…

    So it was
    very Meh


    Pretty cool post 🙂 It’s interesting to see how your opinions of these books have changed over time. Makes me want to think back on some of the books I’ve read 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. bookbeachbunny says:

    Agreed about Milk and Honey and instagram poetry. I’ve read a couple collections and at first it was like oh, this is cool very accessible and then it’s like this is all the same and definitely not poetry. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. rosihollinbeck says:

    Time does change how we view things. I especially like your comment ,
    “anybody can write
    sentences with line breaks
    that doesn’t make it
    That is soooooo true. Sometimes I think books in verse are just novellas they want to charge full boat for.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. jamsu says:

    I think TMI would be in my list too since I would’ve given it five stars when I read it for the first time back in 2011 I think. I still enjoy the series and other books by Cassandra Clare but TMI is mostly three star read for me. I still love The Infernal Devices on other hand.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. theorangutanlibrarian says:

    Totally hear you about so many of these! Especially twilight and girl on the train- I initially liked twilight but see its faults now and I was more generous with girl on the train than it deserved. I’m glad you ended up liking catcher in the rye!

    Liked by 1 person

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