Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2020

111 of 448 pages 288 pages (🎧)336 pages (🎧)272 pages (🎧)
432 pages (🎧)336 pages384 pages (🎧)296 pages (🎧)
192 pages (🎧)414 pages336 pages405 pages (🎧)
448 pages (🎧)352 pages (🎧)278 pages


229 of 544 pages (🎧)

Total pages: 5,109
Total books: 14 full + 2 partial
Average rating: 3.28 stars

  • BEST ADULT: Definitely Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow. I’d give it six stars if I could.
  • BEST YA: Definitely Heartstopper. I need the second volume immediately.

Monthly Motif is a reading challenge hosted by girlxoxo.

February’s theme was seeing red, or, more specifically, “a book with the word ‘red’ in the title or a book with a red-ish cover.” I didn’t expect to struggle with this one, but nothing I really wanted to read in February had a red cover! Eventually, I found How Music Got Free, which worked.

I finished a total of 14 books in February, for a total of 30 so far in 2020!

What’s in a Name is hosted by Andrea @ Carolina Book Nook.

I didn’t cross off any new prompts in February, but I did get another book for “a given/first name.”

The Audiobook Challenge is hosted by Hot Listens & Caffeinated Reviewer.

I set a goal of listening to 50 audiobooks in 2020, and I listened to 11 in February. At 25 total so far this year, I’m already halfway to my goal!

(The 🎧 on my page count shows all my audiobook listens.)

How did February go for you? Are you doing any reading challenges? Let’s talk in the comments!

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