Tag: Unique Blogger Award (Take 2!)

I was nominated for the Unique Blogger Award by Alyssa Grace at Serendipitous Reads! Thank you so much for the nomination and please go check out her blog! ❤ If you’d like, you can check out take 1 of the award here.

The Rules

  1. Share the link of the blogger who nominated you
  2. Answer their questions
  3. Share some love with the blogging community by nominating 8-12 people
  4. Ask three questions for your nominees

Three questions from Alyssa Grace:

1. Hardcovers or paperbacks?
Well, isn’t this just the eternal question. I like how hardcovers look and my subscription boxes all come with hardcovers, but I sure prefer how much paperbacks cost.

2. Which fictional character do you love that you think would be horrible in real life?
I’m going to give a couple answers for this one, but first I’m going to steal Alyssa Grace’s answer! VICTOR VALE. I love him so much but he would be so awful in real life. I’d still go out for a drink with him, though. 🙂 Anyway, other fictional characters would be…

  • Jack from Arrogant Devil by R.S. Grey: he’s an arrogant jerk who refuses to listen and the way that R.S. Grey wrote it is really charming (because most things she writes are really charming) but in real life, I would be 1000% done with Jack after about three minutes.
  • Simon from Wallbanger by Alice Clayton: I love Simon, okay? But I would HATE to have him as a neighbor because I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is and I’m not going to get any sleep if he’s going at it against my wall.
  • G from My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows: What’s not to love about G?? Except for the fact that he literally turns into a horse every night. He’s such a great guy, but sorry, I’m not putting up with that.

3. In your opinion, what’s a book that has a cover much better than its content, or vice versa?

I think the covers for Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe and The Wedding Date are really cute, but I did not like either book.

Unpopular opinion time! I love Krista & Becca Ritchie’s books, but I HATE THE COVERS FOR THE ADDICTED SERIES. Oh my god, I hate them so much. (The only books of theirs that I actually love the covers for are their Aerial Ethereal books.)

Three questions from me:

  1. What’s your favorite quote from a book you’ve read this year?
  2. What book would you love to see made into a movie or TV series?
  3. If you could frame one book cover and hang it up in your house, which cover would it be?

I nominate:

Lori @ Betwined Reads | Mariam @ Book Mania | Bibi @ Bibi’s Book Blog
Lori @ Lori’s Bookshelf Reads | Charleigh @ Charleigh Writes

(As always, no pressure! Let me know if you like tags and also if you hate them.
If I didn’t tag you and you think this looks fun, consider yourself tagged and link back to this post so I can see your answers! ❤)

Novella review: Opal by Maggie Stiefvater

Opal by Maggie Stiefvater
Series: The Raven Cycle #4.5
Rating: ★★★★★
Links: Amazon • Goodreads
Publication Date: March 1, 2018
Source: Borrowed

An enchanting story from Maggie Stiefvater featuring Opal, Ronan, and Adam from her bestselling Raven Cycle, taking place after the events of The Raven King.

I loved The Raven Cycle. I’m not entirely sure of the last time I devoured a series so quickly (it was probably some Tamora Pierce when I was in middle school), but I felt legitimately heartbroken when I finished The Raven King and the series had come to a close. Little did I know, there was a novella about Opal, Ronan’s dream girl! Opal features a few short glimpses into the lives of Ronan Lynch and Adam Parrish after the events of The Raven King.

During the actual Raven Cycle, I didn’t care that much about Opal. I was too focused on Blue and all her Raven Boys and all of the terrible and wonderful things that happened to them. But here, in her novella, Opal was perfect. She’s so strange in such an endearing way. She’ll eat anything. She likes to spy on Ronan and Adam. She loves Adam so much and let me tell you, I can relate.

I just really love this world and I was so happy to spend a few more minutes in it.

Have you read Opal? Who’s your favorite Raven boy?
Let’s talk in the comments!

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