Ultimate 2019 TBR

Between reading challenges, new releases, and ARCs, I’ve got a huge stack of books that I want to read this year. We’re already 20 days into 2019, but I figured that I would compile a list of the books I definitely want to get to this year so I can hold myself accountable!




I’ll be checking in once in June and again at the end of the year. Hopefully I’ll make some good progress on my TBR! Have you read any of these books? Which should I read first? Let’s talk in the comments!

55 thoughts on “Ultimate 2019 TBR

  1. Paul's Picks says:

    Ok… I’m going to pick two out: The Keeper of Lost Causes and the subsequent books are my favorite police/ thriller series of all time… Sadie was one of my favorite reads of last year and the book I’ve been recommending most to people.
    Happy Reading!!! So many good ones there!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jamsu says:

    I hope you get to finish Throne Of Glass series in 2019. I’m actually reading the last book atm. I so want to read Wayward Son already. I’m so exited about it! Other books want to read from this list are The Bride Test, Saga (I loaned volume 7 from the library I just need to read it).

    I’ve actually read Shiver many years ago. I still need to read the third book.

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