Tag: Power Couples Book Tag

Happy Valentine’s Day! I didn’t really know what kind of Valentine’s-themed post to do today, so I was really excited to see that The Orangutan Librarian had tagged me in this one!

A couple that share big passions and goals

Lucas + Daisy from Anything You Can Do

At first, their passion is arguing and their goal is to one-up each other, but as the book progresses, Lucas and Daisy realize that they actually have similar passions and goals for their lives.

A couple that love and respect each other

Connor + Rose from Kiss the Sky

Connor and Rose might have a lot of arguments, they might banter and tease each other and say some pretty mean things… but they love and respect each other so much. They’re one of my favorite couples.

A couple that is stronger together than apart

Marko + Alana from Saga

Marko and Alana go through a lot throughout Saga, but one thing they always learn is that they can do anything as long as they’re together.

A couple that wholly support each other

Michael + Stella from The Kiss Quotient

One thing I can say about Michael and Stella is that they never try to change each other. Both of them just accept and support each other and it’s just the best thing.

A couple that is genuinely cute together

Monty + Percy from The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue

Clearly the answer to this question is me and my boyfriend… just kidding. (Not really.) But in all seriousness, I’d have to go with Monty and Percy! They’re so cute together and I love them so much.

I’m tagging…

Anybody who’s feeling the love this Valentine’s Day, but in particular, some romance fans: SahiJamsuLeslieDemetraRaya

Who are your favorite couples? Have you read any of these books? Do you want me to tag you in things? Let’s talk in the comments!

ABC Book Challenge ✰ Q

I’ve seen this ABC Book Challenge on a lot of different blogs, but most recently Thrice Read. This week is the letter Q and surprisingly, I actually have books for this letter! 😀



Have you read anything that’s on my TBR? Which books should I read first? Do you agree or disagree with my favorites? Let’s talk in the comments!