Tag: Game On – You Name It!

I was nominated for this challenge by Laura Beth at Hot Shot Headlines! Thank you so much for tagging me! 🙂 This challenge was created by Rory at A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip.

The Rules:

  • Thank the nominator.
  • Answer 16 of the 19 questions.
  • Replace the 3 that you didn’t answer.
  • Q20 & Q14 must always remain intact.

My answers:

1. Are you currently reading a book, if so what is it?
I’m always reading a book!

2. Toast or cereal?
I usually have either yogurt or eggs for breakfast, but if I had to choose, I’d go with toast. I mean, Honey Smacks were just recalled for salmonella and that’s terrifying, so…

3. Choice weapon for survival during the zombie invasion?
Let’s be honest, I’m not going to leave my house during the zombie invasion. If the zombies break in, it’s all over for me. I’d be pretty useless with any weapon.

4. Horror or comedy films?
Comedy, for sure. I don’t like being scared!

5. Skinny dipping or mud wrestling?
I don’t like getting dirty if I don’t have to and I’m really more of a pacifist, so I’d probably have to go with skinny dipping. Anyway, I’m glad this is a hypothetical question.

6. What was your favourite sweet/candy as a kid?
I loved Fun Dip so much, but my mom never let me have it! I can still hear her — “That’s just pure sugar, Sara! You have to eat something with nutritional value.” 🙄

7. Going to the party or the library what’s your preference?
100% the library. I am the most awkward person and unless one of my best friends is throwing the party, I’m going to be so uncomfortable there.

8. What is your favourite tipple [drink]?
I hardly ever drink alcohol! If I had to pick something — like I’m out for dinner with some well-meaning family members and getting grilled on why I’m not married yet despite six years of living in sin — I like hard cider and cocktails where I can’t taste the alcohol.

9. What is your least favorite movie?
It took me a really long time to come up with this answer, but probably Child’s Play. I saw part of it when I was way too young and I honestly had nightmares about my stuffed animals coming to life for years.

10. What are five of your unique selling points for your writing?

11. What were you like as a child?
I was very, very shy but very, very responsible. I started babysitting when I was ten years old, which is terrifying to think about now but a thing that actually happened. (Sometimes ten-year-olds will walk into my office and I’ll just be like… people trusted me with their kids when I was that little???)

When I was in sixth grade, we moved to a new city because my mom got a job managing a brand new conference center. It didn’t have employees yet so I worked the desk! Can you imagine? Showing up to a fancy pants conference center and a LITERAL CHILD checks you in and gives you your room key and directs you to the correct wing of the building? NOBODY EVER SAID ANYTHING.

12. How important is personal achievement to you?
Not very? I mean, I like the sense of accomplishment, but I don’t have any burning desire to be the best of the best at things.

13. How do ‘you’ define hard work?

14. Which 3 questions will you be deleting to add your own in?
10, 13, and 18.

15. If someone wanted to make a movie about your family, who would you want to portray yourself, your parent(s)/caregiver(s), and your sibling(s)?
So there’s this patient who occasionally comes into my office and every time he walks through the door, he yells, “HEY, BLACKLIST GIRL!” because apparently he thinks I look like Megan Boone. I don’t personally see it, but sure, let’s go with her.

I’m not really sure who would play my mom! I feel like she’d like to be played by someone like Sandra Bullock even though they don’t look anything alike. 🙂

We’ll leave my dad out of the movie since he just pretends he doesn’t exist in his little corner of New Mexico. And I have a half sister that I wasn’t raised with and talk to very infrequently, so I’m not really sure what role she’d play in a movie about my life either.

16. Ok, you are going to be shipwrecked on an island that has food and water, what three items would you need to have with you?
A companion (preferably someone I like, also sorry to count a person as an “item” but I would probably literally die if I was there alone), a library (counts as one item, right?), and a comfy place to sleep.

17. Where you do feel the most at peace?
There’s this farm by my house that, from May to November, I go to every Friday after I finish work. I have a membership for a share of organic produce, but there are also pick-your-own fields for flowers, berries, tomatoes, hot peppers, etc. It doesn’t matter how bad of a day I’ve had, whenever I pull into their parking lot, I am instantly 1000% better.

18. If we didn’t know what the colour ‘mauve’ actually looked like, how would you describe it?

19. What music is currently your favourite? [Provide link]
So after I read a detective novel about Taylor Swift and Lorde, I figured I should try listening to some more Lorde. Back in the good old days of 2013, I used to listen to Pure Heroine when I’d go hike through the woods behind my old house but I never really listened to Melodrama. OH MY GOD, I played Melodrama after I finished reading that book and I have not stopped listening to it.

Favorites: Supercut | Hard Feelings/Loveless | The Louvre

20. The three bloggers you are nominating are?
Daniel, Brianna, and Hamad. (And, of course, even if I didn’t nominate you, please feel free to do this if you think it looks like fun!)

The questions:

  1. Are you currently reading a book, if so what is it?
  2. Toast or cereal?
  3. Choice weapon for survival during the zombie invasion?
  4. Horror or comedy films?
  5. Skinny dipping or mud wrestling?
  6. What was your favourite sweet/candy as a kid?
  7. Going to the party or the library what’s your preference?
  8. What is your favourite tipple [drink]?
  9. What is your least favorite movie?
  10. If you could time travel anywhere, where would you go?
  11. What were you like as a child?
  12. How important is personal achievement to you?
  13. What’s the first sentence of the book that’s closest to you right now?
  14. Which 3 questions will you be deleting to add your own in?
  15. If someone wanted to make a movie about your family, who would you want to portray yourself, your parent(s)/caregiver(s), and your sibling(s)?
  16. Ok, you are going to be shipwrecked on an island that has food and water, what three items would you need to have with you?
  17. Where you do feel the most at peace?
  18. What’s your dream job?
  19. What music is currently your favourite? [Provide link]
  20. The three bloggers you are nominating are?

20 thoughts on “Tag: Game On – You Name It!

  1. Brianna @briannathebookworm says:

    Thanks for tagging me! 🙂 haha, I think a library should definetly count as one item if you’re shipwrecked on an island! Also, I totally love Lorde and Melodrama is a masterpiece.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. thisisoneforthebooks says:

    I did some babysitting too for my younger neighbors and looking back idk how they trusted me with their kids! 😅 I would like to think I’m pretty responsible though, but still. And me too, I always feel like I need a security blanket friend at parties because I’m so introverted and can be quiet around people I don’t know. I love how these tags can help you get to know the person behind the blog!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      A couple days ago I saw a picture of myself from my early babysitting days, and let me tell you, I looked like I needed a babysitter myself. I mean, all of the kids survived and nothing bad ever happened, but yikes.

      Yes, the security blanket friend! I’ve been lucky to have been adopted by a number of extroverts over the years. I don’t know what I’d do without them. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. natsinbookland says:

    Wow! I loved your answers and this tag was so fun and I loved getting to know you through this. Especially “A companion (preferably someone I like, also sorry to count a person as an “item” but I would probably literally die if I was there alone” this is totally me cuz i’d die alone too and the zombie attack I’d be useless as well would just lock myself in my house and pray that they don’t get me 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      I’m glad you liked it! And I’m also glad that you agree with those two answers! I feel like so many people have these really detailed answers for what they’d do in case of a zombie attack and I’m just over here like… I’m locking my doors and hoping for the best. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Winged Cynic says:

    Love your answers! And lol, I feel like your answers to question 16 officially qualifies you to star in Aladdin; you would cheat the genie out of the 3 wishes very efficiently. 😉 Great post!


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