Tag: Sunshine Blogger Award (Take 7)

I was nominated by The Bookish Wormy and Lori for another round of the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you so much for the nominations! ❤ I’m pretty much an open book and I love answering questions, so it always makes me so happy to see that I’ve been tagged in one of these.

You can see the other takes here: one | two | three | four | five | six


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post/or on your blog.

11 questions from The Bookish Wormy:

1. What is your favorite scent?
Probably the scent of a good coffee shop. I like the smell of coffee brewing and I also like the smell of things baking. Also, I love coffee shops in general.

2. What is the saddest book you ever read?
The book that made me cry the most was Me Before You.

3. Night owl or an early bird?
I’m a very bad sleeper, so kind of both? But ideally, I go to bed around 10 or 11 and wake up around 6 or 7. I used to sleep in a lot when I was younger, but now I feel like I’m wasting my day if I’m in bed much past 7.

4. Who is your favorite villain?
Victor Vale! He’s also the only villain that ever comes to mind.

5. Would you rather live where it’s extremely cold or unbearably hot?
I grew up in Wisconsin where school would sometimes be canceled because it was too cold to leave the house, so I’m like… 1000% over cold and snow and winter. I would rather live somewhere hot.

6. What is something you firmly believe in?
I firmly believe in treating everybody with respect regardless of who they are and what they can do for you. I’m going to be nice to you because it’s the right thing to do, not because I think you’re going to do something for me in return.

7. Tell me something that brings a smile to your face and something that makes you sad!
Something that brings a smile to my face: cats being cute
Something that makes me sad: the fact that I basically have no friends where I live and all my friends live in my phone (that’s a downer, sorry)

8. Cats or dogs?
I love every animal, but I’m definitely more of a cat person.

9. If you were an alien from which planet would you come from?
Thebula? Bonus points if you get the reference.

10. What is one of your favorite tropes in books?
Friends to lovers with lots of pining from afar, it gets me every time.

11. Just for the sake of it who came first the chicken or the egg?
I’m going to say the chicken, but who the heck really knows.

11 questions from Lori:

1. Which fictional character do you think best represents you?
Jane Cobalt from the Like Us series.

2. What book do you most regret ever having bought?
Oh jeez, probably anything I’ve ever one-starred.

3. If you watch BookTube, who are some of your favorite creators?
I actually don’t really watch BookTube! I try to avoid YouTube because I get sucked in really easily and I’ll just end up wasting like four hours.

4. Who gave you your love of reading?
So I think most people in my family are big readers, but it was my grandma who most influenced me. She watched me a lot when I was little and she would just read me stacks and stacks of books every night. She was so amazing, I could ask her to read me 20 books and she’d do it. ❤

5. Do you prefer in-person or online book clubs?
I’ve never done an in-person book club! I’ve never really done an online book club, either, but I have done some buddy reads, which were pretty great. 🙂

6. How do you organize your upcoming blog posts?
I am actually (someday, maybe soon) going to do a whole post about this! I have a few different ways that I organize myself, but the biggest way is with a planner, sticky notes, and checkboxes.

7. What do you think of fans who write angry letters/direct messages to an author?
I mean… there are a lot of books that I’ve disliked in my life, but I’ve literally never been tempted to tell that to the author. I just don’t see the point of it.

8. How would you try to convert a non-reader into a reader?
I don’t know if I’d really try to convert a non-reader into a reader. I might recommend a book that I’ve really enjoyed that I think fits with their interests, but I hate it when people try to convince me to do things I don’t want to do, like it’s one of the very few things in life that makes me really, really angry, so I don’t want to do that to someone else.

If you could frame one book cover and hang it up in your house, which cover would it be?

Which fictional character do you love that you think would be horrible in real life?
Victor Vale! I love him but I would not want anything to do with him in real life.

What’s one of your favorite blog posts that you would like to receive a little more love?

  • Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite book bloggers! It’s already my top-viewed post of all time, but it’s also one of my favorites that I’ve ever written and it makes me so happy that it’s still getting views and likes and comments.
  • Also! A bit of shameless promotion! My giveaway with Daniel (my #1 favorite book blogger) ends soon, so that’s definitely a post I want you to check out if you haven’t seen it yet!

11 questions from me:

  1. What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?
  2. What’s one of your favorite tropes?
  3. According to Goodreads, which book has been on your TBR the longest?
  4. Do you have any pets? If so, feel free to share some pictures!
  5. What’s your current favorite song?
  6. Are there any authors, tropes, or genres that you avoid?
  7. What’s your favorite book-to-screen adaptation?
  8. Which book do you wish would be adapted? (Assuming the adaptation would be done well.)
  9. If you could teleport anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?
  10. What’s your favorite blog post that you’ve written?
  11. What’s something that always cheers you up?

My nominations:

Raya ✨ Demetra ✨ Krisha ✨ Jackie

Last time I did this, I didn’t nominate anyone. This time, I’m nominating a few people who’ve recently told me that they like tags! (Feel free to ignore me, though, if you don’t feel like doing this tag or if you’ve done it before.) But even if I didn’t specifically nominate you, please feel free to do the tag and link back to this post so that I’ll get a notification to check out your answers! And if you love tags, please comment to let me know! I would love to tag you in things! ❤

Book review: My Lady’s Choosing by Kitty Curran & Larissa Zageris

My Lady’s Choosing by Kitty Curran & Larissa Zageris
Rating: ★★★★☆
Links: AmazonTBD • Goodreads
Publication Date: April 3, 2018
Source: Borrowed

The romance novel that lets you pick your path, follow your heart, and find happily ever after

You are the plucky but penniless heroine in the center of eighteenth-century society, courtship season has begun, and your future is at hand. Will you flip forward fetchingly to find love with the bantering baronet Sir Benedict Granville? Or turn the page to true love with the hardworking, horse-loving highlander Captain Angus McTaggart? Or perhaps race through the chapters chasing a good (and arousing) man gone mad, bad, and scandalous to know, Lord Garraway Craven? Or read on recklessly and take to the Continent as the “traveling companion” of the spirited and adventuresome Lady Evangeline? Or yet some other intriguing fate? Make choices, turn pages, and discover all the daring delights of the multiple (and intertwining!) storylines. And in every path you pick, beguiling illustrations bring all the lust and love to life.

Earlier this summer, I read a different book by Kitty Curran & Larissa Zageris: The Secrets of the Starbucks Lovers. It was a detective novel featuring Taylor Swift and Lorde, and if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. Much like that book, My Lady’s Choosing was an experience. Is it well-written? Probably not. Would I have enjoyed it as a traditional romance novel? Nope. Was it a really fun way to spend a Tuesday night? You bet it was.

The thing about this book is that it’s just fun. Don’t take it seriously. Don’t pretend that it’s high-level literature. It’s cute and maybe a little trashy and the choices are honestly hilarious. At one point, I had to decide whether I wanted to be a curious wench or a demure governess, and I just about died laughing. In real life, I’m more of a demure governess, so clearly, the version of myself in this book had to be a curious wench. Things worked out pretty well, though there was a big plot twist at the end.

I still have a few days before this one is due back to the library, so I’m planning to choose a few more paths when I get a minute. Highly recommended if you’re looking for a fun time.

Goodreads summer reading challenge: childhood reboot

Previously: The Secrets of the Starbucks Lovers

Have you read My Lady’s Choosing? Have you read other any choose your own adventure books recently? Let’s talk in the comments!

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