ABC Book Challenge ✰ P

I’ve seen this ABC Book Challenge on a lot of different blogs, but most recently Thrice Read. This week is the letter P and I don’t have any five-star reads, but I have a ton of four-stars!



Have you read anything that’s on my TBR? Which books should I read first? Do you agree or disagree with my favorites? Let’s talk in the comments!

18 thoughts on “ABC Book Challenge ✰ P

  1. Lilyfae says:

    I’ve read Practical Magic and as long as you accept it’s going to be different from the film it’s great. Some people I know were expecting the film to have been a faithful adaptation and weren’t happy!! I liked both.

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  2. bwreviews says:

    Personally, I can’t read Ellen Hopkins anymore. I read her too much as a teenager and she’s too much for me now. Also, the quality of her books has gone downhill. The last few I read were bad compared to her older stuff.

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  3. writermeetslife says:

    Picture Us In The Light was one of my favorite reads last year! The writer’s use of the English language is awe-inspiring. So, I’m going to go with that one. You should start there. Lol.

    I’ve heard of The Paper Magician, but nothing good was said about it that I remember, so I’ll eventually read it one day since it’s a 4 star for you. So far, we’ve had similar tastes, so I’m curious to see what’s in it. It’s been 1.99 on Amazon for a while, as is the rest of the series… So I may end up buying the series soon. Anyways, enough of my rambling.

    Thank you for another great post! It was interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      I’m so happy to hear that about Picture Us in the Light! I’ll have to move it up in my list!

      As for The Paper Magician, I read it several years ago and don’t really remember too much about it! I was definitely a less picky reader back then and I’m a little bit curious to find out how I’d feel if I re-read it now. I’m definitely curious to know your thoughts if you read it!


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