Tag: Unique Blogger Award (Take 4)

I was nominated by Thrice Read and Princess of Pages for the Unique Blogger Award! Thank you so much for the nominations! ❤ ❤

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes herehere, and here!


  • Display the award!
  • Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  • Answer the questions they’ve written for you!
  • Nominate 8-13 bloggers and give them three questions in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity within our blogging family!

3 questions from Thrice Read:

Why do you blog? What is the driving force behind your decision to continue to blog?
I blog because I just love talking about books so much. ❤ And I continue to blog because I love the book blogging community so much. ❤

How do you determine what you’re going to read next?
I usually plan out my blog posts a couple months in advance, so if all goes according to plan, I read whatever needs to be reviewed next. If I’m good on reviews for the next couple weeks, I can read whatever I feel like, which usually ends up being something from the library or something from one of my many piles. Sometimes I can get completely derailed, though, and that’s what happened over the last couple weeks. Now I’m kind of marathoning ARCs so that I can get their reviews out before publication.

What book will you always remember? Why?
I read a lot of books, so they tend to blend together over time. The ones that I remember really well are usually the ones that I’ve had strong opinions about and talked about a lot with other people. So, some examples: Nevernight, The Catcher in the Rye, The Pawn, and All Of This Is True.

3 questions from Princess of Pages:

Have you ever been to a book signing? If so, who?
I have been to a book signing event, but I didn’t get anything signed because I was so unprepared! I just ran out of my house when I saw on Twitter that it was happening! I just stayed for the author talk part since the actual “talk to the authors” part was ticketed and limited to eighteen and younger. (Why am I old.) The authors that were there were Emily X.R. Pan, Anica Mrose Rissi, Nisha Sharma, Claire Legrand, Laurie Harrison, and Cordelia Jensen. Megan McCafferty was also there, but I don’t think she was signing. I did a whole post about it here.

If you were stranded on an island, what crew would you want to be with you? Pick 4 book characters

  • Mia Corvere from Nevernight, because she would protect me from anything scary on the island.
  • Connor Cobalt from Kiss the Sky (and many other books), because he could probably just make a phone call and get us off the island.
  • Sam from Emergency Contact, because I feel like he would be able to distract me from the disaster around me until help arrived.
  • Lennon Mackenzie from Starry Eyes, because he would probably actually know how to survive on the island.

What are your top reads you think everyone should read?
I don’t know that there are many books that everyone should read, since everyone has different reading tastes. That said, here are some books I’d recommend:

  • If you’re interested in social justice and race relations in America: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
  • If you like banter and enemies-to-lovers romances: The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
  • If you want to read about a badass assassin and her not-cat: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

My questions:

  1. What’s a book that you wish got more attention?
  2. What are your hobbies aside from reading and blogging?
  3. What’s your most anticipated release for the rest of the year?

It’s time for nominations!


No pressure if you don’t want to participate! If you like tags and I never tag you, please let me know! And if I didn’t tag you and you want to answer these questions, please feel free and make sure to tag me in your post so I can see your answers.

ARC Review: Kiss the Girl by Tara Sivec

Kiss the Girl by Tara Sivec
Series: Naughty Princess Club #3
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Links: Amazon • Goodreads
Publication Date: September 4, 2018
Source: ARC from the publisher

A struggling antiques collector finds herself falling in love with a millionaire playboy; but can she ever be a part of his world?

Meet the Naughty Princess Club, a series from USA Today bestselling author Tara Sivec that brings readers to Fairytale Lane and the hilarity—and romance—that three women fall into once they decide to strut their stuff and bring on their own happily ever after.

While her friends have broken free of their insecurities, Ariel Waters is struggling to come out of her shell. Her ex-husband took away her voice and her self-confidence, and Ariel is drowning under a sea of debt to afford the alimony she has to pay him. She refuses to ever fall for a man’s charms again, and is determined to make her own way.

When her house and her beloved antiques are taken by the bank after too many missed payments, Ariel finds herself adrift until the infuriatingly charming Eric Sailor comes to her rescue. Although she can’t stand the millionaire playboy, Eric’s kindness and unconditional support reveal hidden depths and a love that Ariel never imagined she could find.

But there are outside influences who will stop at nothing to keep them apart; can Ariel and Eric weather the storm and find a way to be together?

I loved the first two books in Tara Sivec’s Naughty Princess Club series (I’ll link my reviews down below) so I was really excited to get an email from St. Martin’s Press/Swerve offering me an ARC of Kiss the Girl! Enemies-to-lovers is kind of my thing and I’d been anticipating Ariel and Eric’s story ever since we were first introduced to them in At the Stroke of Midnight.

I liked Eric a lot. He was such a great guy and I loved that he just gave Ariel a yacht. Why can’t someone just give me a big yacht to live on all by myself? I need my personal space. In that way, I really related to Ariel. But aside from that… Ariel is just so prickly. It wasn’t a surprise, really, since it’s not like she was a ball of sunshine in the previous two books, but I found it really hard to connect with her. I’m all for my female protagonists being complex and layered and having their own issues, but Ariel created a lot of her own problems but blamed them on other people and that was hard for me to deal with.

The relationship between Eric and Ariel was actually pretty cute. Eric was so supportive of her and I loved the romance once Ariel got over herself and stopped pushing him away. But for the actual story? I don’t know. I just felt like, compared with the last two books in the series, the parallels with the actual Little Mermaid story were pretty forced. The whole plot felt kind of rushed and I just didn’t love this one as much as I’d expected. Not to mention that the whole plot with Ursula had me rolling my eyes. (Are these grown adults or teenagers? Sometimes I couldn’t tell.)

Kiss the Girl wasn’t a bad way to spend a few hours, but I don’t know that I’d necessarily recommend it to anybody other than fans of the previous two books in the series.

Previously: At the Stroke of Midnight | In Bed With the Beast

Have you read Kiss the Girl? Do you like this kind of retelling?
Let’s talk in the comments!

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