Weekly Update

In case you missed it, here are this week’s blog posts:

I’ve been reading:

Recently acquired:

  • Nothing this week!

1 thing this week:

  • Well, I have moved. Getting here was interesting, to say the least, but I arrived safely and now I have a little bit of time to settle in before starting a new job. This week has been a blur of unpacking, reassembling furniture, and trying to remember where I put things, but I’m happy.
Here’s my cat, now a true Southern belle.

Blog hopping:

  • Quite honestly, I was lucky to find the time to log in to WordPress at all this week. Blog hopping will likely be back next week!

Song of the week:

I put on a very old playlist while unpacking this week and was reminded of how much I used to love this song. Way back in the day of 2006, I was in the front row at a Mae show, leaning up against the stage and singing my heart out.

How was your week? What’s the best thing you read or listened to? Anything interesting happening in your life? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

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