Weekly Update

In case you missed it, here are this week’s blog posts:

I’ve been reading:

Recently acquired:

1 thing this week:

  • Well, as this posts, I will be driving to a five hour and forty minute proctored exam to become certified to do… the job I already have. I’m not too nervous about the exam, but not really looking forward to sitting in a locked room for so long. It will definitely be time to celebrate when it’s done!

Song of the week:

This is a sad song and I’m not sad, but I do love this whole album so much.

How was your week? What’s the best thing you read or listened to? Anything interesting happening in your life? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

2 thoughts on “Weekly Update

  1. singerofstories says:

    My week was a little stressful…there are a lot of changes happening at my work and we are remodeling our apartment which is slowing down my reading a lot…but other than that, I am enjoying my read of Get a Life, Chloe Brown!


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