Top Ten Tuesday: First ten books I reviewed

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Today we’re going way back in time to the first ten books I reviewed. This topic was submitted by Rissi @ Finding Wonderland. I am fully prepared to cringe at this list! The reviews are linked in the titles.

UnEnchanted by Chanda Hahn

I remember being so mad about this book that I just had to leave a review. It’s definitely my most popular review on Goodreads (I never posted it on my blog) and I actually unfollowed my own review because the notifications were stressing me out.

Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

Honestly, I remember very little about this book aside from the fact that I bought it because I liked the cover and it was just okay.

Quiet by Susan Cain

The first non-fiction book I ever reviewed! My mom bought this one for me and I lent it to a really extroverted friend who has still not given it back six years later.

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Hmm, looks like this review never made it onto my blog. I really hated this book, okay? Like, really hated it. I was a much more generous reviewer in 2013, so two stars then is definitely the equivalent of one star now.

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

It appears that this review never made it onto my blog either! Let me tell you, I hated this book. HATED IT. SO MUCH. This was a one-star review in 2013, and I’m not even sure what I would rate it now. Zero stars? Negative stars? It has one of my favorite lines I’ve ever written in a review, though…

“The characters from the previous books are shells of their former selves and just kind of flail around, simultaneously fawning over each other and fighting with each other.” 😬

On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

I read this book because everyone on Goodreads was hyping up Melina Marchetta so much! I fully expected to love it but ended up feeling really conflicted.

Relativity by Cristin Bishara

Relativity is the first ARC I ever reviewed, which is a little surprising since it’s not the first ARC I ever received. Surprisingly, this review never made it onto my blog either. I’m starting to think I should do some throwback reviews with all of these reviews I’m finding over on Goodreads that I never posted on my blog.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I am actually very, very surprised that I never shared my review of Scarlet on my blog! It’s a pretty short review (only a few sentences), but I loved this book and I love this series.

The Queen’s Army by Marissa Meyer

After I finished Scarlet, I remember hopping over to Wattpad to read all of Marissa Meyer’s short stories about the characters. This review is another one that never made it to my blog, and surprisingly, I think it’s longer than my review of Scarlet.

Glitches by Marissa Meyer

I must have been on a pretty big Marissa Meyer kick since the next review I wrote was another of her short stories!

Did you do your own Top Ten Tuesday post today? Feel free to leave your link in the comments and I’ll check it out! Do you remember the first books you ever reviewed? Let’s talk in the comments!

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18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: First ten books I reviewed

  1. Sarah says:

    Great list! I think for me what was most revealing about this post was how much my reading has changed. My first ten reviews came from three or four different genres, while my last ten are predominantly SFF. It has me thinking I need to get back to my roots.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara @ The Bibliophagist says:

      Thank you! I fully expected to cringe at these reviews, so that means a lot. And I’m glad you agree about City of Fallen Angels. I remember hardly anything about that book aside from just being really mad while I read it. And I’ll definitely check out your post. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. aquapages // eline says:

    Lending Quiet to an extroverted friend and never getting it back is too relatable, haha. When I lend out books I just consider them gone at this point, and rather be pleasantly surprised of their return, but it doesn’t happen too often

    Liked by 1 person

  3. writermeetslife says:

    Omg. The City of Fallen Angels review quote is so spot on. I remember loving City of Glass, but I stopped after that one when I couldn’t even get half way through TCoFA. This was a great post! I honestly think that my first actual book reviews have been erased from my memory, but I can say without a doubt, the one I made a point of reviewing when I was a wee teenager and casually giving opinions about books was The Cemetery Girl by David Bell. It is in the negative stars for me because a father casually allows his like 11 year old daughter to be with a 40+ year old man. I was in my teens reading that and hated it, but as a parent now, it makes me even more angry thinking about it. Forever, it will be my most loathed book. Thank you for sharing this post!

    Liked by 1 person

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