Tag: Would You Rather (Spooky Edition!)

Thank you to Hannah for tagging me in this Halloween-themed Would You Rather tag!

👻 Thrillers or supernatural(s)? 👻

Unless we’re talking fantasy novels, I don’t really go for supernatural creatures that much. So thrillers, I guess.

👻 Ghosts or zombies? 👻

Ghosts for sure! I’ve never been able to get into zombies.

👻 Vampires or werewolves? 👻

I’m not really a big fan of either vampires or werewolves. So I guess… either one, or maybe neither.

👻 Witches or monsters? 👻

This is so hard because August Flynn from V.E. Schwab’s Monsters of Verity duology is my favorite and I also love several fictional witches… but I don’t think I could abandon August, so I’ll go with monsters.

👻 Would you rather read a book with 13 chapters or with a black cat on the cover? 👻

Let’s be honest, I’m always going to pick the book with the cat on the cover. (I say as I’m typing this with my cat in my lap.)

👻 Would you rather read a spooky book in the dark with only a candle for light or by yourself in a locked brightly lit room? 👻

Just for the sake of my eyes, I think I’m going to go with a brightly lit room.

👻 Would you rather face your worst fears or be trapped in the mind of a killer? 👻

I’ll face my worst fears, thanks.

👻 Would you rather watch a scary movie or read a scary book? 👻

Hmm… I think I’ll watch a scary movie. BUT NOT BY MYSELF. I need my cat in my lap and I need a friend.

👻 Would you rather read spooky books during the fall time or all year? 👻

I don’t really love to read spooky books ever, so I guess I’ll go with during the fall.

👻 Would you rather read 10 spooky books in October or 10 spooky books all year? 👻

Ten spooky books all year seems like a lot for me, so I don’t think I want to concentrate them all in October. I guess I’ll spread them out so I don’t accidentally traumatize myself.

Since Halloween is tomorrow, I’m not going to tag anyone in particular, but please feel free to do this if you want to! And, as always, let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree with my choices!

26 thoughts on “Tag: Would You Rather (Spooky Edition!)

  1. Sofia @ BookishWanderess says:

    This is such a fun tag! I don’t read that many spooky books, so I totally agree with you in your last answer, I would like to spread out the 10 books through the whole year and not read them all in October. The only answer I disagree with is the witches vs monsters one, I LOVE witches.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. savb says:

    Fun tag! The question about worst fears vs the mind of a killer is so messed up lol. I don’t even know how to answer that one.

    Black cats are the best! I have had at least 3 in my lifetime.

    And I honestly can’t watch a super scary movie at night. I need there to be daylight and someone else in the room with me lol.

    Happy Halloween! 🎃

    Liked by 2 people

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