Tag: Unique Blogger Award (Take 5)

Thank you so much to Bibi for nominating me for the Unique Blogger Award!

If you’re interested, you can see the previous takes here: onetwo, three, and four!


  • Display the award!
  • Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  • Answer the questions they’ve written for you!
  • Nominate 8-13 bloggers and give them three questions in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity within our blogging family!

3 questions from Bibi:

Which 3-6 book characters are in your harem? You can’t choose any from the same books/series.
I have never thought about having a harem before! Here are four characters I really love.

What’s your all time favourite book?
I’m pretty sure it’s The Hating Game, but this is actually the hardest question ever.

Do you review audio books? Why? Why not?
I do! I don’t think there’s really any difference between reading a physical book and listening to an audiobook.

My questions:

  1. What’s a book that you wish got more attention?
  2. What are your hobbies aside from reading and blogging?
  3. What’s your most anticipated release for 2019?

I’m taking a break from tagging people, but if you like tags and I never tag you, please let me know! If you want to answer these questions, please feel free and make sure to tag me in your post so I can see your answers. ❤

Book review: Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry

Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry
Rating: ★★★★☆
Links: AmazonTBD • Goodreads
Publication Date: August 7, 2018
Source: Borrowed

Michael is an atheist. So as he walks through the doors at St. Clare’s—a strict Catholic school—sporting a plaid tie, things can’t get much worse. His dad has just made the family move again, and Michael needs a friend. When a girl challenges their teacher in class, Michael thinks he might have found one, and a fellow nonbeliever at that. Only this girl, Lucy, is not just Catholic . . . she wants to be a priest.

But Lucy introduces Michael to other St. Clare’s outcasts, and he officially joins Heretics Anonymous, where he can be an atheist, Lucy can be an outspoken feminist, Avi can be Jewish and gay, Max can wear whatever he wants, and Eden can practice paganism. After an incident in theology class, Michael encourages the Heretics to go from secret society to rebels intent on exposing the school’s hypocrisies. When Michael takes one mission too far—putting the other Heretics at risk—he must decide whether to fight for his own freedom, or rely on faith, whatever that means, in God, his friends, or himself.

I wanted to read this book as soon as I saw the title and read the synopsis. As someone who doesn’t have particularly strong religious beliefs even after thirteen years of Catholic school, it just sounded like something I should read. I was, of course, denied for an ARC (because when am I not), but somehow I put two separate holds on this book at my library? I don’t even understand how that happened, but I got the ebook and then a day later got the physical book.

I think my favorite part of this whole book was the sex ed section. It took me right back to high school and all of the absolutely ridiculous videos and presentations I had to watch. I think that every line in that section is one that I heard at least ten times throughout my high school years. And the tape thing? We were definitely forced to do that in health class.

The book was hilarious and relatable and I really enjoyed it. The overall message is acceptance and understanding, and it just warmed my heart so much.

#mm18: new or old

Have you read Heretics Anonymous? Is it on your TBR?
Let’s talk in the comments!

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