Tag: What Cats Do Book Tag

I found this tag over at Shaz Reads. I wasn’t actually tagged, but I love cats and I love books, so I just went ahead and stole it.


Purr: as cats do this when they’re happy or relaxed, what is the book that makes you happiest or relaxed?

Honestly, just thinking about Starry Eyes makes me happy!

Sleep: what is a book that put you to sleep or was just boring?

I expected to be enthralled with Fire and Fury after all of the hype, but I was really just disappointed. It didn’t put me to sleep, but it was so boring!

Twitch while dreaming: have you ever dreamt of a book you read?

Yes, I remember very vividly having a dream about the Fallers from Peter F. Hamilton’s The Abyss Beyond Dreams. It freaked me out for quite a while afterward.

Seems to play nice…until the claws are out!: which book had the biggest plot twist(s)?

I kind of saw it coming, but in a good way: the plot twist at the end of Godsgrave has me dying for Darkdawn!

Cuddles: which book character would you give a hug to?

There are many, many characters that I just want to hug, but for the sake of this tag, I think I’ll go with Holland Vosijk from V.E. Schwab’s Shades of Magic series, my favorite villain who isn’t really a villain at all. ❤

Catnip: what’s a book that made you have warm and fuzzy feels?

Emergency Contact! Just thinking about Penny and Sam and their texting and how they’re always there for each other gives me so many warm and fuzzy feelings!

Cat breeds: your favourite book(s)?

This is only the hardest question ever… but I’ll choose three from my list.

Getting the cat: how did you find your favourite book(s)?

Starry Eyes: I saw the cover and knew I would love it. On a whim, I signed up for the blog tour and was approved even though I had like 12 followers at the time!
The Hating Game: I had seen countless rave reviews on Goodreads.
Infini: I’d been following Krista & Becca for a while at that point and had really enjoyed several of their books. Infini featured one of my favorite minor characters from Amour Amour and I just knew I’d love it.

The vet’s office: your least favourite book

Probably The Master and Margarita. I just have memories of slogging through it for my Russian literature class in college and absolutely hating every second of it.

Being in places they shouldn’t: least favourite cliché?

Purposeful miscommunication, and it happens so frequently! Is it really so difficult to have a relationship where you just talk to each other like normal human beings? Where, when the person you’re dating says something kind of weird, you don’t immediately assume they want to break up with you or they’re cheating on you or whatever? I just hate it when I’m reading a book and one of the characters says something totally innocent and another character blows it out of proportion and it gets turned into the main conflict. It makes me roll my eyes every time.

Final question — The good old cardboard box: most underrated book series?

I feel like most of my favorite series are pretty well-known, but one series that I really loved that I haven’t seen getting a lot of attention is Ruthie Knox’s New York series! Truly was great, Madly was absolutely wonderful, and Completely was okay, but still good.


Please enjoy some pictures of my cat.

I’m not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to steal this tag and link back to me so that I can see your answers! Do you like cats? Do you want to show me pictures of your cat? Do you agree or disagree with my answers? Let’s talk in the comments!

Find me all over the internet: Goodreads | Twitter | Bloglovin’

39 thoughts on “Tag: What Cats Do Book Tag

  1. Sara@YearofLivingDangerously.com says:

    I love, love, love cats! I have four and I’m definitely doing this book tag. Thank you so much for spreading the love 😸

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Laura Beth says:

    What a fun tag! My first pet was a cat named Shadow. My husband and I have two dogs now, but cats have been a big part of my life. After Shadow, we started taking care of other people’s pets. We call my parents’ house “Camp Karen.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Bookish Rita says:

    Your cat is so adorable and I love your picks!!! I’ve been meaning to read Nevernight for a long time, since I’ve seen so many people praise it, and now I’m even more excited to read it! The Hating Game is a definite must on my 2019 TBR, so hopefully I will love it as much as you did! I’m so doing this tag and using it as an excuse to have a photoshoot with my kitties 💕

    Liked by 1 person

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